Former PhD Projects
- Manuel Pristner: New metabolomics tools for investigating the exposome and its interactions with drugs and the microbiome, 2024
- Ian Oesterle: Investigating Polyphenol Exposure at the Omic-scale in Biological Matrices by Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry, 2024
- Dino Grgic: Combinatory endocrine activity of mycoestrogens and phytoestrogens, 2023
- Mira Flasch: Expanding LC-MS-based metabolomics for the investigation of the exposome, 2022
- Julia Gröstlinger: Combinatory effects of food contaminating Alternaria and Fusarium mycotoxins on the aryl hydrocarbon receptor pathway in vitro, 2022
- Julia Beisl: Combinatory effects of the bacterial toxin cereulide and the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol on intestinal immune response and barrier function and hepatic autophagy in vitro, 2021
- Dominik Braun: Innovative LC-MS/MS breast milk biomonioring: Assessing infant's and mother's exposure to mycotoxins, 2020
- Anja Wittig: Impact of selected silica particles on cellular proliferation mechanisms comprising potential interactions with quercetin on human gastrointestinal cancer cells, 2020
- Hannes Puntscher: Analytics and metabolism of Alternaria Mycotoxins, 2019
- Lydia Wölflingseder:"Emerging mycotoxins" – Assessment of underestimated enemies? - Toxicological profiling of Fusarium mycotoxins and co-regulated secondary metabolites - a combinatory study, 2019
- Katharina Jarolim: Studies on the toxicological impact of selected secondary metabolites from Alternaria and Fusarium fungi, 2018
- Georg Aichinger: Interactions of selected polyphenols with drugs and food contaminants, 2017
- Katharina Vejdovszky: Selected Alternaria toxins and their toxicological impact in dietary mixtures, 2017
- Christine Tiessen: Impact of oxidative metabolism on the genotoxicity of alternariol, its monomethylether and altertoxin-II in vitro, 2016
- Svenja Termeer: Studies on the biological effects of coffee, selected constituents and physiologically relevant metabolites, 2016
- Anika Schröter: Impact of metabolism on the bioactivity of genistein and resveratrol, 2015
- Swantje Winkler: Transcriptional modulation of lipid metabolism, satiety and inflammatory processes by coffee and selected constituents, 2013
- Simone Bächler: Influence of selected isoflavones and of a stilben-rich extract on topoisomerases and DNA-Integrity (German: Einfluss ausgewählter Isoflavone und eines stilben-reichen Extraktes auf Topoisomerasen und die DNA-Integrität), 2013
- Christopher Kropat: Modulation of proliferation-associated parameter of bioactivity by bilberry extravt by fractionation and microformulation (German: Modulation proliferationsassoziierter Parameter der Bioaktivität eines Heidelbeerextrakts (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) mittels Fraktionierung bzw. Mikroformulierung), 2012
- Christoph Schwarz: Characterisation of genotoxic impact components of complex Alternaria Extracts (German: Charakterisierung genotoxischer Impact-komponenten komplexer Alternariaextrakte), 2012
- Volker Blust: Apple extracts as modulators of DNA-methylation and inductors of Nrf2-ARE-associated antioxidative defense (German: Apfelextrakte als Modulatoren der DNA-Methylierung und Induktoren der Nrf2-ARE assoziierten antioxidativen Abwehr), 2012
- Helge Gehrke: Biological effects of metallic and non-metallic Nanoparticles in cells of the gastrointestinal tract (German: Biologische Wirkungen metallischer und nicht-metall-oxidischer Nanopartikel in Zellen des Gastrointestinaltrakts), 2012
- Joanna Pelka: Biological effects of selected nanostructures on cells of the gastrointestinal tract (German: Biologische Wirkungen ausgewählter Nanostrukturen in Zellen des Gastrointestinaltrakts), 2010
- Nadine Volz: Impact of coffee and selected constituents on ARE-regulated phase-II enzymes (German: Beeinflussung ARE-regulierter Phase-II-Enzyme durch Kaffee und ausgewählte Inhaltsstoffe), 2010
- Matthias Roth: Antioxidative and EGFR inhibitory properties of apple constituents (German: Antioxidative Wirkung und Hemmung des EGFR durch Apfelinhaltsstoffe), 2010
- Markus Fehr: Mechanisms of the genotoxic properties of Alternaria toxins (German: Mechanismen der genotoxischen Wirkung von Alternaria-Toxinen), 2009
- Nicole Teller: Inhibitory profiles of selected polyphenols and polyphenol-rich extracts on carcinogenesis-associated receptor tyrosine kinase (German: Hemmprofile ausgewählter Polyphenole und polyphenolreicher Extrakte auf Kanzerogeneseassoziierte Rezeptortyrosinkinasen), 2009
- Ute Hassmann, geb. Böttler: Coffee and selected constituents as activators of the Nrf2/ARE(EpRE) Signal pathway (German: Kaffee und ausgewählte Inhaltsstoffe als Aktivatoren des Nrf2/ARE (EpRE)-Signalwegs), 2009
- Diana Fridrich: Einfluss von Polypenolen auf Schlüsselelemente wachstumsassoziierter Signalkaskaden in humanen Kolonkarzinomzellen, 2008
- Jessica Fritz: Untersuchungen zur Beeinflussung humaner Topoiso-merasen und der DNA-Integrität durch Polyphenole aus Beerenfrüchten, 2008
- Nicole Puppel: Untersuchungen zur Genotoxizität von Acrylamid und Glycidamid an Säugerzellen, 2007