Former Master Projects
- Noah Ratzer: Toxicological evaluation of the structurally related mycotoxins altersetin, equisetin and trichosetin, 2025
- Maryse Max: The mycoestrogen zearalenone and its metabolite α-zearalenol interfere with doxorubicin activity in estrogen-dependent breast cancer, 2024
- Denisa Vata: Do mycotoxins alter cytochrome P450-mediated anticancer drug metabolism? 2024
- Sabrina Berger: Measuring Polyphenols in Breast Milk LC-MS/MS, 2024
- Rosamaria Viterbo: Investigating the competition for uridine 5'-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase in pharmaco-exposomics, 2024
- Crepelle Plaza: A comprehensive in vivo study about the impact of anthocyanin-rich elderberry and blackberry extract during chemotherapy in tumor-bearing BALB/c mice, 2024
- Dzeneta Dedic: Assessing the effect of microalgal lipids using Caco-2 cells as an in vitro model of the intestinal epithelium, 2024
- Jasmin Ruf: Development and validation of an HPLC-FLD method for the simultaneous quantification of mycotoxins in cannabis products, 2024
- Mariia Zazirna: Ultrasound-based strategies for the recovery of microalgal carotenoids: insights from green extraction methods to MS-based identification, 2023
- Maliha Hossain: Exploring the role of autophagy inhibition in the response plasticity of bladder cells, 2023
- Denise Framke: Exploring response plasticity by shear stress in ovarian cancer cells in vitro, 2023
- Carina Seidl: Combinatory effects of food-borne toxins and food metabolites of microbial origin on the colonic epithelial barrier function in vitro, 2023
- Jarina Ahmed (external student of the Technical University Kaiserslautern, Germany): Impact of omega-3 rich microalgal lipids on cytotoxicity using human in vitro cell models, 2023
- Romanos Argyriadis: Investigations into RTgill-W1 viability under various salinities, and evaluation of HPLC-QTOF-MS data of type C-prymnesins, 2023
- Magdalena Plangger: Toxicological evaluation of bioactive extracellular compounds from potentially lytic Alexandrium species, 2023
- Deniz Berk: In vitro investigation into the toxicity of microalgal toxins towards fish gill cells, 2023
- Dennis Braga (external student of the University Würzburg, Germany): Immunomodulatory effects of the Alternaria mycotoxins alternariol, alterperylenol, altertoxin I, and tenuazonic acid on human THP1-LuciaTM monocytes in vitro, 2023
- Sonja Zwander: Integrating eco-friendly approaches to produce protein hydrolysates with antioxidant properties from Microchloropsis gaditana, 2023
- Julia Schlappack: The singel and combinatory effects of anthocyanins and polyphenols on HCT116- and HCEC cells and their effect during chemotherapy, 2023
- Natascha Stoirer: Impact of anthocyanin-rich berry extracts on oxidative stress and the NF-kB pathway in human in vitro models, 2023
- Chenyifan Hong: Combinatory effects of process contaminants and fungal toxins, 2023
- Dimitra Bella-Velidou: Estrogenic Activity of Isoflavone Metabolites, 2023
- Julia Maschik: Combinatory Effects of Bacterial and Fungal Toxins - Comparison in Liver Cell (unfinished - terminated master programme 2023)
- Livia Gruber: Stress absorbing capacity of the endoplasmic reticulum, 2022
- Jakob Schwarz (co-supervision): Manipulating the mechanosensory apparatus of melanoma cells: an integrated morphoometric and proteomic approach, 2022
- Judith Gufler: Immunomodulatory effects of anthocyanin-rich berry extracts in tumorigenic as well as non-tumorigenic human colon cells and NFkB pathway interaction of SN38 in THP-1 monocytes, 2022
- Vanessa Partsch: Toxicity-guided fractionation and evaluation of an Altemaria mycotoxin extract, 2022
- Daniel Wasinger: Development of a targeted LC- MS/MS method for the simultaneous detection of recently discovered bile acid conjugates, 2022
- Janice Arline Bergen, Influence of dietary fatty acids on mechanosensory apparatus on intestinal cell lines, 2022
- Rebeka Früholz: Combinatory effects of mycoestrogens and isoflavones, 2022
- Yasmin Fareed: Exploring xenobiotic phase II biotransformation in human samples by LC-MS/MS, 2022
- Maximilian Jobst: Autophagy activators and inhibitors in the modulation of mechanotransduction of T24 blasser cancer cells, 2022
- Anna-Lena Mayr: LC-MS/MS method development, validation and application for different anthocyanins and irinotecan as well as their metabolites, 2022
- Michael Zeugswetter: Autophagy determines the stress response capability to sulfate metabolites in urinary bladder cells, 2022
- Michelle Kriz (co-supervision): Ultrastructural and proteomic alterations induced by hypoxic and shear stress in human ovarian cancer cells, 2021
- Eszter Borsos: Metabolic kinetics of Alternaria toxins and potential interspecies differences, 2021
- Nadine Hochmayr: Chemical analysis and toxicological evaluation of potential toxic microalgal compounds, 2021
- Shara Natalia Sosa Cabrera: Study of the impact of trans-5-O-Caffeoylquinic acid on Nrf2 signaling in non-tumorigenic and tumorigenic human colon cells, 2021
- Kristina Jochum (external student of the University Würzburg, Germany): Combinatory Effects of Acrylamide and Deoxynivalenol on in virto Cell Viability and Cytocheome P450-enzymes of human Caco-2 and HepaRG cells, 2021
- Franziska Steiger (external student of the University Würzburg, Germany): Anthocyanin-rich berry extracts as modulators of SN-38-induced damage in HCT116 cells, 2021
- Yasmin Borutzki (external student of the TU Kaiserslautern, Germany): Human biomonitoring of mycotoxins in serum and plasma via a novel LC-MS/MS method, 2021
- Andrea Betschler (external student of the University Münster, Germany): Combinatory estrogenic effects of mycoestrogens and isoflavones, 2021
- Valerie Rebhahn (external student of the TU Kaiserslautern, Germany): Elucidation of the impact of the food contaminant mycotoxin alternariol on the capability of intestinal cells to respond to biomechanical stimulation, 2021
- Thomas Jamnik: Optimization of an LC-MS/MS method for the determination of xenobiotics in biological matrices, 2020
- Immina Vierheilig: Impact of clumorin on the toxicity of Alternariol and Deoxynivalenol, 2020
- Gloria Bliem: Combinatory estrogenic effects of hop polyphenols and potentially co-occurring pesticides, 2020
- Dino Grgic: The impact of N-acetyl cysteine on the chemical composition and toxicity of a naturally occurring mixture of Alternaria toxins, 2020
- Patrick Windisch: Transfer, optimization and in-house validation of a sensitive, stable-isotope asisted LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of mycotoxins, 2020
- Stephanie Grabher: Characterisation of Delphinidin-3-rutinoside and Cyanidin-3-rutinoside, 2020
- Katharina Krivanek (in co-supervision with the Department of Analytical Chemistry): Method development for the characterization of the response of melanoma cells to physical/chemical challenges
- Vincent Lüttig: Unraveling the effect of Alternaria toxins on the metabolome of rats by LC-HRMS, 2019
- Matthias Riepl: Determination of prymnesins and toxicological evaluation of Prymnesium parvum extracts on human colon epithelial cells (HCEC-1CT), 2019
- Nadia Gruber: Immunomodulatory effects of DON, NX-3 and Fusarium secondary metabolites in non-tumorigenic and tumorigenic human colon cells, 2019
- Karin Preindl: Towards a generic LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of xeno- and endogenous estrogens and its application in biological matrices, 2019
- Cornelia Schmutz: Immunomodulatory effects of alternariol on Caco-2 BBe1 cells, 2018
- Raphaela Mayer: Influence of membrane structures in the inflammatory response to Alternaria toxins, 2018
- Franziska Krüger (external student of the "Julius-Maximilians-Universität" in Würzburg, Germany): "Estrogenicity and toxicity of Alternaria toxins in complex mixtures and in combination with bioactive food constituents", 2018
- Jessica Kollarova: Immunomodulatory effects of alternariol on cytokine secretion at transcriptional and post-transcriptional level in LPS-stimulated and non-stimulated differentiated THP-1 cells, 2018
- Katarina Ahlberg: Protective effects of anthocyanins and degradation products on oxidative stress in human colon carcinoma cells, 2018
- Svenja Hankele (external student of the "Universität Hohenheim" in Hohenheim, Germany): Critical evaluation of an LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of Alternaria toxins in biological matrices and its application to investigate rat metabolism, 2017
- Falk Lichtenberger (external student of the University in Kiel, Germany): Researches on the mode of action of aza-analogous benzo[c]phenanthridine, 2017
- Phillip Sommergut: Effects of chlorogenic acids on Nrf2 in a human colon carcinoma cell line and its 5-fluorouracil-resistant variant, 2017
- Kathrin Hahn: Kombinatorische Effekte von Alternariol mit Zearalenon und dessen Metabolit a-Zearalenol in einem östrogen-abhängigen System, 2017
- Konstantin Wolters: Toxikologische Charakterisierung von Aurofusarin, einem Sekundärmetaboliten der Gattung Fusarium, 2016
- Cordula Kohout: Kombinatorische Wirkung von Silika-Nanopartikeln und Quercetin auf eine humane Magenkarzinomzelllinie, 2016
- Lydia Wölflingseder: The Impact of Deoxynivalenol (DON) and its Metabolites DON-3-sulfate and DON-15-sulfate on the Human Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Cell Line HT-29, 2016
- Julia Beisl: Toxikologische Untersuchung kombinatorischer Effekte von Mykotoxinen und Polyphenolen auf HT29 Zellen, 2016
- Theresa Janson: The cytotoxic and antioxidative effects of anthocyanins in human colon tumor cells, 2015
- Victoria Dostal: Isolation of Altertoxin II, research on the impact on intracellular glutathione levels and preliminary studies on the formation of DNA-adducts, 2015
- Laura Nagel: Studies on the interference of bilberry extract with the inhibitory properties of erlotinib on the epidermal growth factor receptor in human epithelial tumor cells (German: Untersuchungen zur Interferenz von Heidelbeerextrakt mit der Hemmwirkung von Erlotinib am epidermalen Wachstumsfaktorrezeptor in humanen epithelialen Tumorzellen), 2014
- Eva-Maria Fritz: Effects of of SiO2 nanoarticles on the proliferation of cells of the gastrointestinal tract
- Karin Stornig: Impact of oxidative metabolism on genotoxicity and apoptosis induction of genistein on human colon carcinoma cells (German: Einfluss des oxidativen Metabolismus von Genistein auf die Toxizität und Apoptoseinduktion in humane Kolonkarzinomzellen), 2014
- Melanie-Andrea Brunner: Identification of bioactive constituents of an anthocyanin-rich bilberry extract (German: Identifizierung von bioaktiven Verbindungen eines anthocyanreichen Heidelbeerextraktes), 2012
- Katharina Jarolim: Studies on uptake and genotoxicity of nanostructured platinum in human colon carcinoma cells (German: Untersuchungen zur Aufnahme und Genotoxizität nanopartikulären Platins in humane Kolonkarzinomzellen), 2012
- Dicker Martina: Impact of the grapevine-shoot extract vineatrol R 30 and its constituents on human topoisomerases and DNA integrity, 2012
- Kahle Nadine: Impact of alternariol and alternariolmonomethyl ether on CYP1A1 expression in human tumor cells (German: Einfluss von Alternariol und Alternariolmonomethylether auf die CYP1A1-Expression in humanen Tumorzellen), 2012
- Katharina Domnanich: Impact of Alternaria toxins on CYP1A1- amd GST-expression in human tumour cells, 2012
- Christine Krumböck: Modulation of the EGF receptor and subsequent signaling elements by extracts rich in chlorogenic acids and selected constituents (German: Modulation des EGF-Rezeptors und nachgeschalteter Signalelement durch chlorogensäurereiche Extrakte und ausgewählte Inhaltsstoffe, 2010
- Julia Lebherz: Characterisation of the antioxidative Potency of apple pomace extracts and selected constituents (German: Charakterisierung der antioxidativen Wirksamkeit von Apfeltresterextrakten und ausgewählten Inhaltsstoffen), 2010
- Maria Braun: Wirkmechanistische Untersuchungen zur Apoptoseinduktion und zur Hemmung der Topoisomeraseaktivität durch Indirubinderivate, 2009
- Jessica Budde: Interaktion der Alternaria Mykotoxine Alternariol und Alternariolmonomethylether mit dem Arylhydrocarbon Rezeprtor Signalweg, 2009
- Anne Frühmesser: Toxikologische Wirkungen synthetischer Silica Nanopartikel auf humane Kolonkarzinom- und murine Lungenzellen, 2009
- Martin Kreutzer: DNA-strangbrechende Wirkung von HPLC-Fraktionen komplexer Alternatia alternate-Extrakte, 2009
- Anja Rechel: Biologische Wirkung einwandiger Kohlenstoffnanoröhren auf humane Kolonkarzinomzellen, 2009
- Verena Eschbach: Modulation des PI3K-Signalweges durch das Anthocyanidin Delphinidin
- Elena Maser: In vitro Untersuchungen der antioxidativen Wirkung von Apfeltresterextrakten
- Swantje Winkler: Modulation Irinotecan-stabilisierter DNA/Topo-isomerase I-Intermediate durch Anthocyane in Wistar Ratten sowie der Einuss von Isoflavonen auf die DNA-Integrität in humanen Kolonkarzinomzellen
- Simone Bächler: Isoenzymspezifität der Topoisomerasegiftung im ICE-Assay und Einfluss von Alternaria-Toxinen auf die Translokation von Nrf2
- Christopher Kropat: Wirkmechanistische Untersuchungen zur Genotoxizität von Alternariol
- Volker Blust: Einfluss von Polyphenolen auf das Tumorsuppressorgen p16INK4a
- Christoph Schwarz: Analyse und Genotoxizität komplexer Alternaria-Toxingemische
- Helge Gehrke: Biologische Wirkungen von metallischen Platinnano-partikeln auf menschliche Kolonkarzinomzellen
- Katharina Sommerfeld: Modulierung des Nrf2-Gehaltes von HT29-Zellen durch ausgewählte Kaffeeinhaltsstoffe
- Marie Luise Fischer: Bedeutung der H2O2 Bildung durch Ellagtannine für die Hemmung auf Rezeptortyrosinkinasen
- Nadine Volz: Der Einfluß polyphenolreicher Extrakte auf Elemente zellulärer Signaltransduktionskaskaden in vitro
- Matthias Roth: Untersuchung zur oxidativen/antioxidativen Wirkung von Anthocyanidinen und zur Beeinflussung der Tubulinpolymerisation
- Markus Fehr: Mechanismen der genotoxischen Wirkung von Alternaria-Toxinen
- Nicole Teller: Selektivität der Hemmwirkung ausgewählter Polyphenole auf Rezeptortyrosinkinasen der ErbB-Familie in vitro
- Ute Böttler: Apfelinhaltsstoffe als Hemmstoffe des Phosphatidylinositol-3-Kinase-Signalwegs
- Nicole Puppel: Beeinflussung zellulärer Siganlübertragungskaskaden durch Apfelinhaltsstoffe und verwandte Naturstoffe
- Jessica Walker geb. Fritz: Anthocyanidine im Vergleich zu anderen Flavonoidklassen und Isoflavonmetabolite im Vergleich zu den Ausgangsverbindungen
- Melanie Esselen geb. Kern: Untersuchungen zur PDE1- und PDE4-Expression in ZNS Tumorzellen