Oral Conference Contributions Team
Warth B.: “The chemical exposome and its impact on health and drug metabolism”, Invited Talk at the "Medizinische Universität Wien, Institut für Pharmakologie", 8. November, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Verri Hernandes V., Warth B.: "Bridging Exposomics and Metabolomics in a Single LC-MS Run", Invited Talk at the MANA (Metabolomics Association of North America) Conference, 21.-24. October, 2024, Online
Warth B.: “Project update on the EIRENE-PPP pilots”, Invited Talk at the Joint EIRENE/IHEN Meeting, 15.-17. October, 2024, Utrecht, Netherlands
Kaltner F.: “Catch me if you can – Pflanzentoxinen in der Lebensmittelkette auf der Spur”, Invited Talk at the "52. Deutsche Lebensmittelchemietage 2024", 16.-18. September, 2024, Freising, Germany
Partsch V., Crudo F., Del Favero G., Marko D.: “Exploring immunotoxic Alternaria mycotoxins: modulation of the NF-κB signaling pathway and underlying molecular mechanisms”, 4. DoSChem Symposium, 12-13. September, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Bergen J., Iriarte-Mesa C., Crudo F., Marko D., Kleitz F., Berthiller F., Del Favero G.: "Mycotoxin fumonisin B1 and palmitic acid modulate lipid metabolism and affect biomechanical compliance in conjunction with rod-shaped silica-based nanoparticles”, 4. DoSChem Symposium, 12-13. September, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Bergen J., Crudo F., Marko D., Berthiller F., Del Favero G.: "Food constituents and contaminants modulate lipid metabolism and affect intestinal cells’ morphology and biomechanical compliance", Biophysics Austria 2024, 8.-10. July, 2024, Salzburg, Austria
Verri Hernandes V., Warth B.: "A combined targeted (MRM) and untargeted (SWATH) method for ultra-trace exposomics and metabolomics in a single LC-MS run", Invited Talk at the Metabolomics Conference 2024, 16.-20. June, 2024, Osaka, Japan
Warth B.: „The chemical exposome and its impact on health”, Invited Talk at the "Medizinische Universität Wien, Klinische Abt. Gastroenterologie & Hepatologie, AKH Wien", 11. June, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Crudo F., Partsch V., Braga D., Del Favero G., Varga E., Doris Marko D.: "Immunosuppressive and antiestrogenic effects of Alternaria mycotoxins: alterperylenol and altertoxin I as novel emerging health concerns", 45. Mycotoxin Workshop, 3.-5. June, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Hager S., Gufler J., Heffeter P., Marko D.: "The mycotoxin food contaminant alternariol impedes oxaliplatin-induced immunostimulation", 45. Mycotoxin Workshop, 3.-5. June, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Del Favero G., Bergen J., Iriarte-Mesa C., Jobst M., Crudo F., Marko D., Kleitz F., Berthiller F.: "4D model for intestinal toxicity profiling: a case study on Fusarium mycotoxins fumonisin B1 and deoxynivalenol", 45. Mycotoxin Workshop, 3.-5. June, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Krausova M., Ayeni K.I., Borutzki Y., Gu Y., Johnson C., Warth B.: “Longitudinal biomonitoring of mycotoxins in pregnant women from the Yale Pregnancy Outcome Prediction Study”, 45. Mycotoxin Workshop, 3.-5. June, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Warth B.: „Das Exposom und seinen Einfluss auf unsere Gesundheit verstehen“, Invited Talk at the Rotary Club NOE, May 13, 2024, Tulln, Austria
Warth B.: „New analytical technology for assessing exposure and effect“, Invited Talk at the EMBL Heidelberg, May 2, 2024, Heidelberg, Germany
Castejón N.: "Microalgal lipids and carotenoids: can we extract them in an eco-friendly way?", American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) Annual Meeting & Expo 2024, April 28-May 1, 2024, Montreal, Canada
Gu Y., Warth B.: "Optimization of A High-throughput SPE Clean-up for Urine and Plasma Exposomics", DoSChem Panel B Retreat, April 24-26, 2024, Röjtökmuzsaj, Hungary
Borsos E., Varga E., Marko D.: "Delving into the hepatic metabolism of the mycotoxin alternariol", DoSChem Panel B Retreat, April 24-26, 2024, Röjtökmuzsaj, Hungary
Ayeni K., Warth B.: "Non-targeted analysis of UGR samples", PARC Meeting, April 15-16, 2024, Nantes, France
Kaltner F.: "(In)stability of selected plant toxins towards food processing conditions", Invited Talk at the Analytica Conference 2024, April 9-11, 2024, Munich, Germany
Kaltner F.: "(In)stability of selected plant toxins towards food processing conditions", Austrian Food Chemistry Days 2024, April 3-5, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Castejón N.: "Eco-friendly valorization of microalgal biomass for the recovery of omega-3 lipids and carotenoids", Austrian Food Chemistry Days 2024, April 3-5, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Pöchhacker M., Tillmann U., Marko D., Varga E.: "INVESTIGATING TOXICITY IN KARLODINIUM ARMIGER STRAINS: A Comparative Study", Austrian Food Chemistry Days 2024, April 3-5, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Partsch V., Crudo F., Varga E., Marko D.: "Identification of Novel Immunosuppressive and Antiestrogenic Alternaria Mycotoxins through Toxicity-Guided Fractionation of a Complex Alternaria Mycotoxin Extract", Austrian Food Chemistry Days 2024, April 3-5, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Krausova M., Ayeni K.I., Borutzki Y., Gu Y., Johnson C., Warth B.: "Biomonitoring of mycotoxins in serum and urine of pregnant women from the Yale Pregnancy Outcome Prediction Study", Austrian Food Chemistry Days 2024, April 3-5, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Castilla-Fernández D., Moreno-González D., Bouza M., Ballesterosa E., García-Reyes J.F., Molina-Díaz A.: "Modified QuEChERS for the simultaneous determination of pesticides and veterinary drugs in salmon by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry", Austrian Food Chemistry Days 2024, April 3-5, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Castejón N.: "Integrating eco-friendly approaches to produce protein extracts and hydrolysates with antioxidant properties from Microchloropsis gaditana", Invited Talk at the WEBINAR: Algae as an alternative source of sustainable proteins, March, 18 2024, Online
Crudo F., Partsch V., Braga D., Varga E., Marko D.: "Immunomodulatory effects of Alternaria mycotoxins: alterperylenol and altertoxin I as novel immunosuppressive compounds", 9th German Pharm-Tox Summit, March 13-15, 2024, Munich, Germany
Del Favero G.: "Bladder cells: morpho-metabolic adaption strategies to cope with chemical and physical challenges", Invited Talk at the XXXII Workshop of the Unit of Physiology and Biophysics at the University of Veterinary Medicine, February 22, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Verri Hernandes V., Warth B.: "Development of a combined targeted (MRM) and untargeted (SWATH) methodology for integrated exposomics and metabolomics", MassSpec-Forum 2024, February 21-23, 2024, Vienna, Austria
Castejón N.: "Unraveling the potential of microalgae for the recovery of omega-3 lipids and proteins: a roadmap for eco-friendly solutions", 4th International Symposium on Microbial Lipids, February 11-14, 2024, Graz, Austria
Borsos E., Varga E., Marko D.: "Alternariolsulfate als unterschätzte Konjugationsprodukte mit toxikologischem Potenzial", Talk at the 6. ALVA-Kontaminantentagung, Dec. 4-5, 2023, Linz, Austria
Prause H-Ch., Berk D., Kiss E., Del Favero G., Ostenfeld Larsen Th., Hansen P.J., Marko D., Place A., Varga E.: "Investigating the in-vitro toxicity mechanisms of prymnesins from Prymnesium parvum" Talk at the International Conference on Harmful Algae (ICHA), Nov. 5-10, 2023, Hiroshima, Japan
Verri Hernandes V., Zeyda M., Wisgrill L., Warth B.: "Towards a combined targeted (MRM) and untargeted (SWATH) methodology for integrated exposomics and metabolomics)", Talk at the Munich Metabolomics Meeting, Oct. 12-13, 2023, Munich, Germany
Castejón N., Pühringer M., Rampler E., Marko D.: "Unlocking the Potential of Microalgae as Bio-factories of Polar Lipids: A Lipidomic and Bioactivity Perspective", Talk at the 19th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo, Sept. 17-20, 2023, Poznan, Poland
Warth B.: "New exposomic approaches for assessing chemical exposure by mass spectrometry", Invited talk at the 3rd Chinese American Society for Mass Spectrometry (CASMS), Aug. 28, 2023, Houston, Texas, USA
Warth B.: "Unconventional omics technology for deciphering the impact of chemical and lifestyle exposures on human health", Invited and keynote talk at the NetSci2023 Conference, July 10-14, 2023, Vienna, Austria
Borsos E., Varga E., Marko D.: "Alternariol-sulfates as neglected conjugation products with toxicological potential", Talk at the DoSChem Symposium, July 6-7, 2023, Vienna, Austria
Del Favero G., Jobst M., Gruber L., Hladuvka J., Gerner C.: "Unraveling the secrets of cell motility: from images to -omics with the help of bioinformatics", Invited talk at the Visegrad symposium on biomolecular interactions, June 20-23, 2023, Sopron, Hungary
Grgic D., Novak B., Varga E., Marko D.: "Combinatory in vitro effects of myco- and phytoestrogens": Talk at the Gordon Research Conference – Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, June 18-23, 2023, Easton, Massachusetts, USA
Prause H-C., Berk D., Hansen P.J., Ostenfeld Larsen T., Marko D., Place A., Varga E.: "Breaking down barriers: the role of membrane sterols in microalgal ichthyotoxicity", Talk at the Gordon Research Conference – Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, June 18-23, 2023, Easton, Massachusetts, USA
Varga E., Prause H-C., Pöchhacker M., Riepl M., Hochmayr N., Plangger M.M., Berk D., Marko D., Ostenfeld Larsen T., Hansen P.J., Spahr S., Köhler J., Goldhammer T.: "Massive Fish Kills in the River Oder in Poland/Germany in Summer 2022 Caused by the Invasive Algae Prymnesium parvum", Invited Talk at the Gordon Research Conference – Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, June 18-23, 2023, Easton, Massachusetts, USA
Peach J., Warth B., Verri Hernandes V.: "From Biological Samples to Mass Spec Data", Talk at the Karolinska Institutet – Retreat Seminar, June 21, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
Peach J., Warth B., Wisgrill L., Eigenschink M.: "From blood bags to patients: how plastics are invading transfusion therapy", Talk at the Karolinska Institutet – Retreat Seminar, June 21, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
Peach J., Warth B.: "Introduction to Mass Spectrometry, the Metabolome and the Exposome", Talk at the Karolinska Institutet – Retreat Seminar, June 21, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
Pristner M., Wasinger D., Seki D., Berry D., Wisgrill L., Warth B.: "Plasma & stool metabolomics to decipher host-metabolome-microbiome interactions in premature infants", Talk at the Karolinska Institutet – Retreat Seminar, June 21, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
Ayeni K., Krausová M., Gu Y., Pjevac P., Seki D., Braun D., Wisgrill L., Berry D., Ezekiel C., Johnson C., Warth B.: "Human Biomonitoring of Mycotoxins in Biological Samples", Talk at the Karolinska Institutet – Retreat Seminar, June 21, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
Verri Hernandes V., Wisgrill L., Warth B.: "New exposomic technologies - gaining deep knowledge from low-volume & precious samples", Talk at the Karolinska Institutet – Retreat Seminar, June 21, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
Oesterle I., Berger S., Ayeni K., Rompel A., Warth B.: "Polyphenol Profiling & Non-Targeted Assessment", Talk at the Karolinska Institutet – Retreat Seminar, June 21, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
Warth B.: "How can metabolomic and exposomic tools improve public and personalized health?", Talk at the Karolinska Institutet – Retreat Seminar, June 21, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
Warth B.: "New exposomic technology for improving public health and prevention", Invited talk at the SciLife Lab Seminar Series, June 21, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
Crudo F., Hong C., Partsch V., Del Favero G., Dellafiora L., Marko D.: "New challenges in genotoxicity testing: the case of the Alternaria mycotoxins alternariol and altertoxin II", Talk at the 44. Mycotoxin Workshop, June 5-7, 2023, Celle, Germany
Borsos E., Dellafiora L., Dall'Asta C., Del Favero G., Varga E., Marko D., Alternariol-sulfates as neglected conjugation products with toxicological potential, Talk at the 44. Mycotoxin Workshop, June 5-7, 2023, Celle, Germany
Varga E., Grgic D., Novak B., Marko D., "Pitfalls and challenges when evaluating combinatory effects
– a case study on zearalenone and isoflavones", Talk at the 44. Mycotoxin Workshop, June 5-7, 2023, Celle, Germany
Warth B.: "Exposomic approaches for next-generation human biomonitoring", Talk at the 71st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, June 06, 2023, Houston, Texas, USA
Del Favero G.: “Neue Perspektiven für die pharmakotoxikologische Analyse mit dem Ansatz der biophysikalischen Toxikologie”, Invited Talk at the Justus Liebig Universität, Feb. 13, 2023, Gießen, Germany
Del Favero G.: “Toxicity of urinary-occurring contaminants and mechanisms of adaptive plasticity of bladder cells”, Invited Talk at the INRAE, Feb. 23, 2023, Toulouse, France
Warth B.: „Introduction to the ESFRI research infrastructure and new omic technology for chemical exposure“, Plenary Talk at the 1. Exposome Austria Retreat, March 20-22, 2023, Retz, Austria
Eigenschink M. and Peach J., Wisgrill L., Warth B.: “Red Blood Cell Transfusion: Exposomics, metabolism and storage”, Invited Talk at the 1. Exposome Austria Retreat, March 20-22, 2023, Retz, Austria
Verri Hernandes V., Zeyda M., Wisgrill L., Warth B.: “Exposomics/Metabolomics on Dried Blood Spots (ExpoMetaDBS)”, Invited Talk at the 1. Exposome Austria Retreat, March 20-22, 2023, Retz, Austria
Varga E., Prause H.-C., Pöchhacker M., Riepl M., Hochmayr N., Plangger M.M., Berk D., Marko D., Ostenfeld Larsen T., Hansen P.J.: “Chemistry and toxicity of Prymnesium parvum toxins”, Invited Talk at the IOŚ-PIB – Institute of Environmental Protection-National Research Institute, March 31, 2023, Warsaw, Poland
Pristner M., Wasinger D., Seki D., Berry D., Wisgrill L., Warth B.: “Untargeted and targeted metabolomics of plasma and fecal samples from a cohort of extremely premature infants", Plenary Talk at the MassSpec Forum Vienna im Rahmen der ANAKON, April 14, 2023, Vienna, Austria
Varga E., Prause H.-C., Pöchhacker M., Riepl M., Hochmayr N., Plangger M.M., Berk D., Marko ED., Ostenfeld Larsen Th., Hansen P.J.: “Chemistry and toxicity of Prymnesium parvum toxins”, Invited Talk at the Ministry of Climate and Environment – Republic of Poland, April 13, 2023, Online
Warth B.: “New exposomic approaches for assessing and evaluating chemical exposure”, Invited Talk at the Austrian Cohort Research Days, April 26, 2023, Vienna, Austria
Castejón N., Pühringer M., Rampler E., Marko D.: “Microalgae as green factories of lipids: insights from lipidomic analysis and bioactivity testing”, Talk at the American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) Annual Meeting & Expo 2023, April 30 – Mai 3, 2023, Denver, Colorado, USA
Varga E., Prause H.C., Pöchhacker M., Riepl M., Hochmayr N., Plangger M.M., Berk D., Marko E., Ostenfeld Larsen T., Hansen P.J., Spahr S., Köhler J., Goldhammer T.: “Massive fish kills in the river Oder in Poland/Germany in summer 2022 caused by the invasive algae Prymnesium parvum”, Invited Talk at the 67. Plenarsitzung der SKLM, May 3-4, 2023, Bonn, Germany
Gu Y., Warth B.: “Optimization of A High-throughput SPE Clean-up for Urine and Plasma Exposomics”, Invited Talk at the Junganalytiker*innen Forum 2023, May 11-12, 2023, Leoben, Austria
Oesterle I., Berger S., Ayeni K., Rompel A., Warth B.: "Polyphenol Biomonitoring in Human Biofluids by LC-(HR)MS(/MS)", Talk at the Junganalytiker*innen Forum 2023, May 11-12, 2023, Leoben, Austria
Varga E., Köhler J., Spahr S., Goldhammer T.: “Fischsterben in der Oder in Polen/Deutschland im Sommer 2022”, Talk at the 77. ALVA Jahrestagung, May 22-23, 2023, Linz, Austria
Varga E., Prause H.C., Pöchhacker M., Riepl M., Hochmayr N., Plangger M.M., Berk D., Marko E., Ostenfeld Larsen T., Hansen P.J., Spahr S., Köhler J., Goldhammer T.: “Massive fish kills in the river Oder in Poland/Germany in summer 2022 caused by the invasive algae Prymnesium parvum”, Plenary Talk at the GDR PHYCOTOX, May 23-25, 2023, Nantes, France
Castejón N., Pühringer M., Rampler E., Marko D., Unlocking the lipidome of Nannochloropsis gaditana: a source of high-value lipids with potential biological activities, Talk at the ALGAEUROPE 2022, Dec. 13-15, 2022, Rome, Italy
Del Favero G.: “Moving perspectives: physical and chemical signaling in the intestinal compartment”, Invited talk at the Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Dec. 7, 2022, Brünn, Czech Republic
Varga E., Prause H-Ch., Pöchhacker M., Riepl M., Hochmayr N., Maria Plangger M.M., Berk D., Ichthyotoxic microalgae - Insights and challenges, Invited talk at the 75. Ordentliche Hauptversammlung der ASAC (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Analytische Chemie), Nov. 25, 2022, Graz, Austria
Warth B.: "Das Exposom: Lebensmittel, Umweltgifte und Gesundheit“, Invited talk at the VHS – Wiener Volkshochschulen, Nov. 15, 2022, Vienna, Austria
Varga E., Riepl M., Hochmayr N., Prause H-Ch., Attakpah E., Del Favero G., Medić N., Bjørnholt Binzer S., Hansen P.J., Svenssen D.K., Ostenfeld Larsen Th., Marko D., „Analytik und Toxikologie von Prymnesine“, Invited talk at the 27. Sitzung der BfR-Kommission „Kontaminanten in der Lebensmittelkette“, Nov. 15, 2022, Online
Del Favero G., Activity profiling of Fusarium mycotoxins: new mechanisms for old enemies, 21. World Congress of the International Society on Toxinology (IST), Oct. 16-20, 2022, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Castejón N., Puehringer M., Rampler E., Marko D., Nannochloropsis gaditana as a sustainable solution for lipid production: from lipidomics analysis to bioactivity screening, Algae Biomass Summit, Oct. 3-18, 2022, Online
Schmutz C., Plaza C., Steiger F., Stoirer N., Varga E., Vician P. Jaunecker C., Will F., Berger W., Marko D., Anthocyanin-Rich Berry Extracts and Chemotherapy: A Critical Combination, 15. World Congress on Polyphenols Applications, Sept. 28-30, 2022, Valencia, Spain
Varga E., Grgic D., Betschler A., Frueholz R., Novak B., Marko D., Pitfalls and problems when evaluating combinatory effects - a case study on the mycoestrogen zearalenone and isoflavones, ASTOX Symposium, Sept. 15-16, 2022, Vienna, Austria
Del Favero G., Toxicity triggered by modulation of mass and structural integrity of non-cytoskeletal oragnelles: a new perspective for organ-on-a chip experiments?, ASTOX Symposium, Sept. 15-16, 2022, Vienna, Austria
Prause H-Ch., Hansen P. J., Ostenfeld Larsen Th., Alves-de-Souza C., Marko D., Place A., Varga E., Interaction of A-, B-, and C-type prymnesins with sterols, ASTOX Symposium, Sept. 15-16, 2022, Vienna, Austria
Castejón N., Puehringer M., Rampler E., Marko D., Microalgae as sustainable solutions for lipid production. From lipidomics analysis to bioactivity screening, 10. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA), Sept. 6-9, 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
Warth B., Measuring the exposome - Delusion or next frontier?, Invited talk at the HEAP Symposium June 1, 2022, Graz, Austria
Varga E., Beisl J., Jochum K., Chen Y., Marko D., Combinatory effects of acrylamide and deoxynivalenol on in vitro cell viability and cytochrome P450-enzymes of human HepaRG cells, 43. Mycotoxin Workshop, May 30-June 1, 2022, Toulouse, France
Grgic D., Betschler A., Früholz R., Novak B., Varga E., Marko D., Combinatory estrogenic effects of mycoestrogens and isoflavones, 43. Mycotoxin Workshop, May 30-June 1, 2022, Toulouse, France
Borsos E., Varga E., Aichinger G., Marko D., Metabolic kinetics of Alternaria toxins and potential interspecies differences, ALVA "Jahrestagung", May 30-31 2022, Graz
Crudo F., Aichinger G., Varga E., Dellafiora L., Warth B., Berry D., Dall´Astra C., Marko D., The bidirectional relationship between Alternaria mycotoxins and the gut microbiota, World Mycotoxin Forum, May 16-18, 2022, Parma, Italy
Warth B., Analysing the Chemical Exposome: Delusion or next Frontier?, Plenary talk at the World Mycotoxin Forum, May 16-18, 2022, Parma, Italy
Hossain Z., Warth B., Integrating veterinary drugs and pesticides in a targeted LC-MS/MS exposome
Approach, ASAC "JunganalytikerInnenforum", May 12-13, 2022, Vienna, Austria
Gu Y., Warth B., An Exposome-Scale Sample Clean-up Method based on Solid Phase Extraction, ASAC "JunganalytikerInnenforum", May 12-13, 2022, Vienna, Austria
Pristner M., Berry D., Wisgrill L., Seki D., Warth B., Metabolomics of plasma and fecal samples obtained from a cohort of extremely premature infants, ASAC "JunganalytikerInnenforum", May 12-13, 2022, Vienna, Austria
Wasinger D., Berry D., Wisgrill L., Seki D., Warth B., Pristner M., Development of a targeted LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous detection of recently discovered bile acid conjugates, ASAC "JunganalytikerInnenforum", May 12-13, 2022, Vienna, Austria
Varga E., “Toxikologische Fragestellungen im Zusammenhang mit Mikroalgen”, "GÖCH Workshop - Mirkoalgen als Lebensmittel der Zukunft", April 8, 2022, Online
Crudo F., Human gut bacterial strains and Alternaria mycotoxins: effects of interactions on mycotoxin bioavailability and bacterial growth, "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemikertage", April 6, 2022, Online
Gröstlinger J., Seidl C., Varga E., Del Favero G., Marko D., Chemical mixtures in vitro: Absorption and metabolism of the gut microbiota metabolite urolithin A and the mycotoxins alternariol and deoxynivalenol in colon cancer cells, "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemikertage", April 6, 2022, Online
Oesterle I., Rompel A., Warth B, Novel LC-MS/MS Approaches to Explore Polyphenol Exposure in Humans, "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemikertage", April 6, 2022, Online
Warth B., "Humanes Biomonitoring von Lebensmittelkontaminanten: von der gezielten Analyse zu innovativen non-targeted Ansätzen", Plenary talk at the "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemikertage", April 6, 2022, Online
Schmutz C., "Beerenextrakte und Chemotherapie - eine gefährliche Kombination", Regionalverbandstagung der Lebensmittelchemischen Gesellschaft, March 23, 2022, Online
Grgic D., Betschler A., Novak B., Varga E., Marko D., "Kombinatorische endokrine Aktivität von Mycoestrogenen und Isoflavonen", 5. ALVA Kontaminantentagung, Dec. 6-7, 2021, Online
Varga E., Puntscher H., Aichinger G., Zivna N., Crudo F., Warth B., Marko D., "Filtrieren oder nicht filtrieren - macht es einen Unterschied? - Ein Fallbericht für Alternaria-Toxine", 5. ALVA Kontaminantentagung, Dec. 6-7, 2021, Online
Warth B., Measuring the Chemical Exposome: Delusion or Next Frontier?, Invited talk at RECETOX Research Center at the Masaryk University Faculty of Science, Nov. 30, 2021, Bruenn, Czech Republic
Warth B., Exposure and Effect of Environmental and Food Toxicants: An Omics´ Perspective, Invited talk at the NuGO webinar: Mapping the exposome - linking exposure and effect, Nov. 22, 2021, Online
Castejón N., New sources of omega-3 oils to produce healthy lipids using green extraction technologies and enzymatic modification, Invited talk at the DFG Jahrestagung 2021, XVII. H.P.Kaufmann Tage, Nov. 18-19, 2021, Leipzig, Germany
Gröstlinger J., Seidl C., Varga E., Del Favero G., Marko D., Combinatory effects of the mycotoxins deoxynivalenol and alternariol with the gut microbiota metabolite Urolithin A on colon cancer epithelial barrier function in vitro, ASTOX Mini-Symposium "Young Toxicologists", Nov. 5, 2021, Online
Betschler A., Grgic D., Früholz R., Novak B., Varga E., Marko D., Combinatory estrogenic effects of mycoestrogens and isoflavones, ASTOX Mini-Symposium "Young Toxicologists", Nov. 5, 2021, Online
Varga E., Riepl M., Hochmayr N., Prause H.-Ch., Attakpah E., Del Favero G., Medic N., Bjornholt Binzer S., Hansen P.J., Ostenfeld Larsen T., Marko D., Insights into the toxicity of prymnesins, toxic metabolites of the microalgae Prymnesium parvum, ASTOX Mini-Symposium "Young Toxicologists", Nov. 5, 2021, Online
Prause H.-Ch., Wolf E., Tillmann U., Krock B., Varga E., Marko D., Toxicological evalutaion of allelochemical compounds produced Alexandrium spp. - Establishing a suitable cytotoxicity assay, ASTOX Mini-Symposium "Young Toxicologists", Nov. 5, 2021, Online
Del Favero G., Targeting membrane structure in intestinal cells: implications for biomechanical compliance and toxicity, ASTOX Mini-Symposium "Young Toxicologists", Nov. 5, 2021, Online
Ayeni K.I., Krausova M., Braun D., Pjevac P., Wisgrill L., Berry D., Warth B., Ezekiel Ch.N., Potential impact of mycotoxins on the developing gut microbiome in Nigerian infants, Invited Talk at the Virtual Pre-Conference on Human Exposome of the World Mycotoxin Forum, Oct. 12, 2021, Online
Warth B., The role of mycotoxin research in the era of exposomics, Plenary Talk at the Virtual Pre-Conference on Human Exposome of the World Mycotoxin Forum, Oct. 12, 2021, Online
Varga E., Riepl M., Hochmayr N., Prause H.-Ch., Attakpah E., Del Favero G., Medic N., Bjornholt Binzer S., Hansen P.J., Ostenfeld Larsen Th., Marko D., Insights into the toxicity of prymnesins, toxic metabolites of the microalgae Prymnesium Parvum, Invited Talk at the International Conference on Harmful Algae, Oct. 10-15, 2021, Online
Ayeni K.I., Krausova M., Braun D., Warth B., Ezekiel Ch.N., Mycotoxin exposure in Nigerian infants using stool biomarkers, 14. Annual Conference of the Mycotoxicology Society of Nigeria, Sept. 26-29, 2021, Abuja, Nigeria
Krausova M., Ayeni K.I., Wisgrill L., Ezekiel Ch.N., Braun D., Warth B., Development of a sensitive LC-MS/MS method for monitoring mycotoxins in infant stool, DoSChem International Student Symposium, Sept. 23-24, 2021, Vienna
Grgic D., Varga E., Betschler A., Novak B., Marko D., Combinatory endocrine activity of mycoestrogens and isaflovaones, DoSChem International Student Symposium, Sept. 23-24, 2021, Vienna
Castejón N., Novel cascading approaches based on green chemistry to valorize microalgal biomass by proving potential biological activities, Biorefineries for algae biomass - ALGAE Workshop of the European Algae Biomass Associations (EABA), Sept. 23, 2021, Online
Hohenbichler J., Chroma C., Saraiva N., Fernandes A.S., Marko D., Del Favero G., Endocrine disrupting food contaminants affect the structure, adhesion and motility of breast cancer cells, ÖGMBT meeting 2021, Sept 20 - Oct 14, 2021, Online
Pristner M., Seki D., Berry D., Wisgrill L., Warth B., Untargeted metabolomics of plasma and fecal samples obtained form a cohort of extremely premature infants, JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2021, June 11-12, 2021, Online
Flasch M., Fitz V., Rampler E., Koellensperger G., Warth B., Non-targeted mass spectrometry for elucidating the exposome and its impact on the endogenous metabolome, JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2021, June 11-12, 2021, Online
Oesterle I., Braun D., Rompel A., Warth B., Targeted LC-MS/MS for the analysis of polyphenol exposure in humans, JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2021, June 11-12, 2021, Online
Krausova M., Braun D., Wisgrill L., Warth B., Monitoring mycotoxin-mixtures in infant stool by LC-MS/MS, JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2021, June 11-12, 2021, Online
Hohenbichler J., Aichinger G., Spindler V., Pahlke G., Rychlik M., Del Favero G., Marko D., Combined Alternaria alternata toxins activate the aryl hydrocarbon receptor pathway and alter the colonic immune response in vitro, 42. Mycotoxin Workshop, May 31 - June 2, 2021, Online
Crudo F., Aichinger G., Mihajlovic J., Varga E., Dellafiora L., Warth B. Dall´Asta Ch., Berry D., Marko D., In vitro interactions of Alternaria mycotoxins with the gut microbiota: a birectional relationship, 42. Mycotoxin Workshop, May 31 - June 2, 2021, Online
Varga E., Puntscher H., Aichinger G., Zivna N., Crudo F., Warth B., Marko D., To filtrate or not to filtrate - does it make a difference? - A case story on Alternaria metabolites, 42. Mycotoxin Workshop, May 31 - June 2, 2021, Online
Varga E., Puntscher H., Warth B., Aichinger G., Marko D., Mycotoxins in Fruits; Alternaria Toxins in Tomato Juices, IFU Technical Weinars, May 25 - June 2, 2021, Online
Warth B., Measuring the exposome and its interaction with drugs: a new frontier in precision medicine?, Invited Talk at the Metabolomics Society Precision Medicine Workshop, April 28, 2021, Online
Warth B., Investigating the Chemical Exposome and Its Interaction with Drugs, Invited Talk at the NIEHS Exposure Science and the Exposome Webinar Series, Feb. 25, 2021, Online
Jamnik Th., Flasch M., Braun D., Wisgrill L., Warth B., Assessing multi-xenobiotic exposure in plasma of extremely ppremature babies by a new LC-MS/MS approach, 2021 USA-European Exposome Symposium - Exposomics, COVID-19 and Health Disparities, Jan. 27-18, 2021, Online
Flasch M., Jamnik Th., Braun D., Warth B., Comparing sensitivity of low- and high-resolution mass spectrometry for xenobiotic trace analysis, 2021 USA-European Exposome Symposium - Exposomics, COVID-19 and Health Disparities, Jan. 27-18, 2021, Online
Braun D., Jamnik Th., Flasch M., Marko D., Warth B., Longitudinal investigation of infants´ exposure to food contaminants via breast milk, 2021 USA-European Exposome Symposium - Exposomics, COVID-19 and Health Disparities, Jan. 27-18, 2021, Online
Warth B., Measuring the Chemical Exposome: Delusion or Next Frontier?, Invited Talk at the Social Exposome Cluster - Research Seminar, Jan. 27 2021, Vancouver, Canada
Braun D., Eiser M., Jamnik Th., Flasch M., Marko D., Warth B., Longitudinal multi-mycotoxin exposure assessment in breast milk, plenary talk at the 10th International Conference on Children's Environmental Health (INCHES), Dec. 1-2, 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Warth B., Measuring the Exposome: Delusion or Next Frontier?, invited talk at the "73. Ordentliche Hauptversammlung und Festveranstaltung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Analytische Chemie (ASAC) in der Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (GÖCH)", November 20, 2020, Tulln, Austria
Braun D., Marko D., Warth B.,Trace Analysis of Dietary Mycotoxins in Breast Milk, invited talk at the "73. Ordentliche Hauptversammlung und Festveranstaltung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Analytische Chemie (ASAC) in der Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (GÖCH)", November 20, 2020, Tulln, Austria
Warth B., Exposomics as a new paradigm for investigating toxicants, invited talk at the 7th Munich Metabolomics Meeting, Nov 13-14, 2020, Munich, Germany
Warth B., Exposomics: A New Paradigm for Investigating Fate, Toxicity and Exposure of Environmental Contaminants, invited talk at the EDGE Environmental Geosciences, March 9, 2020, Vienna, Austria
Del Favero G., Moving perspectives: bridging multi-imaging to multi-omics, 31st MassSpec Forum Vienna 2020, Feb. 25-26, 2020, Vienna, Austria
Flasch M., Bueschl Ch., Woelflingseder L., Adam G., Schumacher R., Marko D., Warth B., Unravelling the fate of xenobiotics in human cell culture by stable-isotope assisted metabolomics, 31st MassSpec Forum Vienna 2020, Feb. 25-26, 2020, Vienna, Austria
Warth B., Assessment of Food Contaminants in Biological Matrices: From Targeted Towards Exposome-Scale Apporaches, invited talk at the Sanibel Conference, Jan. 23-26, 2020, South Seas Island Resort, Captiva Island, Florida, USA
Del Favero G., Novel strategies for toxicity testing of food contaminants: the integrated biophysical toxicology approach, Invited talk at the Technical University of Berlin, Dec. 9-11, 2019, Berlin, Germany
Warth B., Marko D., "Vorkommen und Bioverfügbarkeit endokrin aktiver Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffe", invited talk at the "4. Linzer Kontaminantentagung", Dec. 3-4, 2019, Linz, Austria
Warth B., Metabolomics - Key technology for deciphering the exposome?, invited talk at the "Biophysikalisch-chemisches Kolloquium" at the Department of Biophysical Chemistry, Nov. 15, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Warth B., "Auf den Spuren des Exposoms", invited talk at the 6th event of the event series "Umwelt im Gespräch" at the National History Museum, organised by the Environmental Sciences Research Network of the University of Vienna: In the chemical cloud: "Umwelteinflüsse und unsere Gesundheit", Nov. 5, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Warth B., Mycotoxins, xenoestrogens and the exposome, invited talk at the "Fachdialog im Umweltministerium (BMNT), Nov. 4, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Varga E., Riepl M., Attakpah E., Killerup Svenssen D., Bjørnholt Binzer S., Medic N., Del Favero G., Hansen P.J., Ostenfeld Larsen Th., Marko D., Novel Microalgae Toxins, invited talk at the Bio-Analytic Seminar of the BOKU, Oct. 22, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Warth B., Mycotoxins and beyond: the expanding role of the exposome concept in assessing exposure and effect of food contaminants, plenary talk at the World Mycotoxin Forum 2019, Oct 14-16, 2019, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Marko D., Del Favero G., Immunosuppressive activity of Alternaria toxins, invited talk at the World Mycotoxin Forum 2019, Oct 14-16, 2019, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Marko D., Beisl J., Ernährungsstudien mit Obst und Gemüse: Welche Aussagekraft haben sie für die Gesundheitsprävention, invited talk at the Ernährungsforum Eferding, Oct. 10, 2019, Eferding, Austria
Warth B., Exposure and Effect of Environmental Toxicants: An Omics´ Perspective, invited talk at the "Institutsseminar MedUniWien", Oct. 8, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Marko D., Aichinger G., Beyond Antioxidative effects: Combinatory extrogenic effects of beer polyphenols, NutRedOx Meeting, Oct. 2-4, 2019, Lissabon, Portugal
Warth B., Exposomics Activities at the University of Vienna, Invited talk at the "Fakultätstag der Fakultät für Chemie", Sept. 30, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Marko D., Warth B., Novel insights in the occurrence and bioavailability of endocrine active food components, Plenary talk at the 6th MS Food Day, Sept. 25-27, 2019, Camerino, Italy
Del Favero G., Combination of proteome profiling with mechanotransduction: expanding the knowledge about melanoma metastasis, Austrian Proteomics and Metabolomics Research Symposium 2019, Sept. 18, 2019, Salzburg, Austria
Del Favero G., Physical and chemical modulation of the extracellular environment: the biophysical toxicology approach, Invited Talk at the School of Advanced Studies on Food and Nutrition, Sept. 18-19, 2019, Parma, Italy
Warth B., Chemical Exposure Metabolomics, Invited Talk at the EUROTOX 2019 - 55th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, September 8-11, 2019, Helsinki, Finland
Anestis K., Singh Kohli G., Wohlrab S., Hansen P.J., Varga E., Ostenfeld Larsen Th., John U., Toxin Biosynthesis in Prymnesium parvum: from strucutre to genes, 7th European Phycological Congress, Aug. 25-30, 2019, Zagreb, Croatia
Warth, B., Deciphering the Exposome by Mass Spectrometry, Invited Talk at Yale University, July 30, 2019, New Haven, USA
Warth, B., Exposomics: A New Paradigm for Investigating Food and Environmental Contaminants, Plenary Talk at the Gordon Research Seminar "Water Disinfection Byproducts", July, 27-28, 2019, Mount Holyoke, USA
Beisl J., Abeln H., Ehling-Schulz M., Ezekiel Ch., Pahlke G., Marko D., Toxicity assessment of co-occurring mycotoxins and bacterial toxins in vitro, Mycotoxin Summer Talks, July 5 2019, Tulln, Austria
Braun D., Eiser M., Marko D., Warth B., Multi-mycotoxin trace level analysis in breast milk, Mycotoxin Summer Talks, July 5 2019, Tulln, Austria
Varga E., Matrix Effects in LC-MS and Possible Compensation Strategies, Invited talk at the Mycotoxin Summer Academy, July 1-12 2019, Tulln, Austria
Braun D., Eiser M., Marko D., Warth B., Sensitive multi-mycotoxin biomonitoring in breast milk by LC-MS/MS, ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, June 2-6, 2019, Atlanta, Georgia
Aichinger G., Krüger F., Marko D., Alternaria toxins in chemical mixtures: anti-extrogenic behavior and underlying mechanisms, 41. Mycotoxin Workshop, May 5-8, 2019, Lissabon, Portugal
Beisl J., Abeln H., Pahlke G., Ehling-Schulz M., Marko D., Co-occurence of mycotoxins and bacterial toxins: combinatory effects of deoxynivalenol and cereulide on human intestinal cells, 41. Mycotoxin Workshop, May 5-8, 2019, Lissabon, Portugal
Del Favero G., Janker L., Neuditschko B., Hohenbichler J., Woelfingseder L., Gerner Ch., Marko D., Proteomic profiling reveals molecular cell responses to deoxynivalenol treatment in human A431 epidermoid squamous carcinoma cells, 41. Mycotoxin Workshop, May 5-8, 2019, Lissabon, Portugal
Warth B., Global metabolomics as a key technology for deciphering toxin exposure and effect, ASTOX Symposium, April 25-26, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Beisl J., Abeln H., Ehling-Schulz M., Ezekiel Ch., Pahlke G., Marko D., Combinatory Effects of Deoxynivalenol and the Emetic Bacterial Toxin Cereulide on Cell Viability of Caco-2 Monolayers, Plenary talk at the ASTOX Symposium, April 25-26, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Woelflingseder L., Adam G., Marko D., Immunomodulatroy effects of the Fusarium secondary metabolite butenolide in human colon epithelial cells, Plenary talk at the ASTOX Symposium, April 25-26, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Varga E., Riepl M., Attakpah E., Del Favero G., Medic N., Binzer, S.B., Hansen P.J., Larsen T.O., Insights into the toxicity of prymnesins, toxic metabolites of the microalgae Prymnsium parvum, ASTOX Symposium, April 25-26, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Del Favero G., Hohenbichler J., Mayer R.M., Zaharescu R., Marko D., Cell Membrane: structure and biophysical properties determining response to toxicants, ASTOX Symposium, April 25-26, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Warth B., "Metabolomics - Schlüsseltechnologie zur Erforschung des Exposomes?", Invited talk at the 8. Berliner LC_MS/MS Symposium, April 2, 2019, Berlin, Germany
Varga E., Svenssen D.K., Binzer, S.B., Medic N., Daugbjerg N., Hansen P.J., Larsen T.O., Fish Tox - Novel Microalgae Toxins, Invited talk at the WasserCluster Lunz, March 21, 2019, Lunz am See, Austria
Janker L., Neuditschko B., Hohenbichler J., Woelflingseder L., Gerner Ch., Marko D., Del Favero G., Deoxynivalenol and A431 epidermoid squamous carcinoma cells: proteomic profiling reveals the pathways connecting ribosomal inhibition with a loss of function of the cell membrane, MassSpec-Forum 2019, Feb. 19-20, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Puntscher H., Lüttig V., Höger H., Marko D., Warth B., Targeted analysis of emerging Alternaria toxins in plasma, urine and fecal samples of Sprague Dawley rats, MassSpec-Forum 2019, Feb. 19-20, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Varga E., Svenssen D.K., Binzer, S.B., Hansen P.J., Larsen T.O., Deciphering the chemical diversity of prymnesins by MS/HRMS, MassSpec-Forum 2019, Feb. 19-20, 2019, Vienna, Austria
Varga E., Binzer, S.B., Svenssen D.K., Daugbjerg N., Alves-de-Souza C., Pinto E., Hansen P.J., Larsen T.O., Prymnesins are clade specific compounds and chemotaxonomic markers in Prymnesium parvum, Jan. 23-25, 2019, Syddansk Universitet, Odense, Danmark
Varga E., Svenssen D.K., Binzer, S.B., Medic N., Daugbjerg N., Hansen P.J., Larsen T.O., Fish Tox - Novel Microalgae Toxins, Invited talk at the Universität Innsbruck, Research Department for Limnology, Jan. 10, 2019, Mondsee, Austria
Del Favero G., Marko D., Nrf2 and the intestine: chemical and physical regulators to highlight the difference between non-transformed intestinal epithelial cells and colorectal adenocarcinoma, Congress Bio2018, NutRedOx COST Action CA16112, Sept. 19-21, 2018, Gdansk, Poland
Warth B., Metabolomics - The Key to Deciphering and Ameliorating the Impact of the Exposome, Austrian Proteomics and Metabolomics Association Conference, Aug. 29-31, 2018, Vienna, Austria
Braun D., Ezekiel Ch.N., Marko D., Warth B., Multi-mycotoxin breast milk analysis, Mycotoxin Summer Talks, July 6, 2018, Tulln, Austria
Del Favero G., Unravelling the effect of deoxynivalenol on A431 cells: Proteome profiling and imaging, Mycotoxin Summer Talks, July 6, 2018, Tulln, Austria
Warth B., Deciphering the exposome by mass spectrometry, "Fakultätskolloquium", June 25, 2018, Wien, Austria
Woelflingseder L., Del Favero G., Heiss E., Adam G., Marko D., Combinatory effects of glutathione-modulation on the toxicity of deoxynivalenol (DON) and NX-3 and its co-regulated metabolite butenolide (BUT), 40th Mycotoxin Workshop, June 11-13, 2018, Munich, Germany
Marko D., Aichinger G., Puntscher H., Warth B., Estrogenicity of Alternaria toxins in complex mixtures, 40th Mycotoxin Workshop, June 11-13, 2018, Munich, Germany
Dellafiora L., Aichinger G., Marko D., A target fishing approach to explore the mechanism of action of emerging mycotoxins - a case study on alternariol, 40th Mycotoxin Workshop, June 11-13, 2018, Munich, Germany
Adam G., Michlmayr H., Piatkowska M., Funtak K., Kastner F., Hametner Ch., Wiesenberger G., Woelflingseder L., Marko D., Berthiller F., Enzymatic synthesis of 3-lactyl-deoxynivalenol and 3-propionyl-deoxynivalenol, 40th Mycotoxin Workshop, June 11-13, 2018, Munich, Germany
Warth B., Siuzdak G., Metabolomics - A key technology for deciphering exposure and effect, ASMS American Society for Mass Spectrometry, June 3-7, 2018, San Diego, USA
Preindl K., Warth B., Towards the development of an LC-MS/MS method to determine multiple endogenous and exogenous estrogens, May 4-5, 2018, 14th ASAC - Young Analytical Forum, Vienna, Austria
Del Favero G., Woelflingseder L., Janker L., Neuditschko B., Gerner Ch., Marko D., Image analysis and proteomic profiling: complementary tools for toxicity studies, May 4-5, 2018, 14th ASAC - Young Analytical Forum, Vienna, Austria
Braun D., Ezekiel Ch.N., Abia W.A., Degen G.H., Turner P.C., Marko D., Warth B., Pilot application of an LC-MS/MS assay for biomonitoring of mycotoxins in breast milk samples, May 4-5, 2018, 14th ASAC - Young Analytical Forum, Vienna, Austria
Warth B., Assessment of food contaminants in biological matrices: From targeted towards exposome-scale approaches?, May 3, 2018, BOKU IFA, Tulln, Austria
Aichinger G., Marko D., "Kombinatorische Effekte von Myko- und Phytoöstrogenen in Bier", April 25-27, 2018, "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemikertage 2018", Seggauberg, Austria
Marko D., Aichinger G., "Der Einfluss von Anthocyanen auf die Toxizität ausgewählter Lebensmittelkontaminanten", April 25-27, 2018, "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemikertage 2018", Seggauberg, Austria
Warth B., Investigatin drug-food interactions by global exposomics, April 25-27, 2018, "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemiker Tage 2018", Seggauberg, Austria
Warth B., Exposomics: A new paradigm for investigating food contaminants?, April 10-13, 2018, Analytica Conference, Munich, Germany
Marko D., Aichinger G., Impact of co-occuring xenoestrogens on the endocrine disruptive potential of zearalenone and α-zearalenol, April 8-11, 2018, 14th European Fusarium Seminar, Tulln, Austria
Warth B., The expanding role of mass spectrometry in exposomics research, Feb. 20-21, 2018, Mass Spec Forum, Vienna, Austria
Marko D., Aichinger G., Differential protective profile of anthocyanins and isoflavones against prooxidative food contaminants, Feb. 15-16, 2018, COST Meeting, Palma, Mallorca
Warth B., Biomonitoring of food contaminants: From targeted towards exposomescale approaches, Jan. 18, 2018, Seminar of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Vienna, Austria
Del Favero G., From microscopy to numbers: the long way of image analysis, Nov. 30, 2017, Seminar of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Vienna, Austria
Puntscher H., Kütt M.-L., Smajis A., Del Favero G., Skrinjar P., Mikula H., Marko D., Warth B., Emerging food contaminants: Investigating alternaria mycotoxins by LC-MS/MS. Nov. 2017, RAFA, Recent Advances in Food Analysis Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic
Marko D., Beisl J., Aichinger G., A Bilberry Anthocyanidin protects colon cells from the genotoxicity of Alternaria Mycotoxins, EuroFoodChem XIX Conference, Oct. 4-6, 2017, Budapest, Hungary
Warth B., Mass Spectrometry guided food safety: from targeted towards exposome-scale analysis, 17th "Österreichische Chemietage der GÖCH", Sept. 25-28, 2017, Salzburg, Austria
Warth B., Exposing the Exposome: Utilizing global metabolomics to characterize toxicant exposure and effect, 254th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Aug. 20-24, 2017, Washington DC
Del Favero G., Mycotoxins and mechanotransduction: A meeting at cellular level, Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2017, July 7, 2017, Tulln, Austria
Cenk E., Pahlke G., Oertel A., Martens S., Matros A., Mock H-P., Marko D., Side-chain decorated anthocyanins with immunomodulatory function, World Congress on Polyphenols Applications, June 20-21, 2017, Vienna / Austria
Aichinger G., Vejdovszky K., Beis J., Schmidt V., Warth B., Marko D., Combinatory effects of the isoflavone genistein with potential food contaminants, World Congress on Polyphenols Applications, June 20-21, 2017, Vienna, Austria
Braun D., Marko D., Warth B., Development of an LC-ESI-MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantification of multiple mycotoxins in human breast milk, 39th Mycotoxin Workshop 2017, June 19-20, 2017 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Woelflingseder L., Del Favero G., Warth B., Wiesenberger G., Varga E., Twaruschek K., Vaclavikova M., Malachova A., Adam G., Bertiller F., Marko D., NX3-M1: a detoxification product of NX-3? Impact on cytotoxicity and intracellular reactive oxygen species in human intestinal cells, 39th Mycotoxin Workshop 2017, June 19-20, 2017 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Puntscher H., Kütt M-L., Smajis A., Skrinjar Ph., Mikula H., Marko D., Warth B., Development, validation and application of an LC-ESI-MS/MS multi-analyte method for the quantification of Alternaria Toxins in Austrian food commodities, ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum, May 2017, Vienna, Austria
Marko D., Vejdovszky K., Hahn K., Beisl J.. Aichinger G., "Estrogenic cocktails" in our diet: combinatory effects of myco- and phytoestrogens, Plenary talk at the ASTOX Symposium, April 20-21 2017, Vienna, Austria
Del Favero G., Woelflingseder L., Seriani S., Gallina P., Sbaizero O., Marko D., Characterization of the toxicity of deoxynivalenol in a mechanically stimulated environment, Astox Symposium, April 20, 2017, Vienna, Austria
Warth B., Expanding the role of mass spectrometry in food chemistry and toxicology, Minisymposium "Zukunftsgebeite an der Fakultät für Chemie", Oct. 7, 2016, Vienna, Austria
Aichinger G., Beisl J., Marko D., Antagonistic influence of anthocyanidins on genotoxic effects of alternaria mycotoxins, 10th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications, June 29-July 1, 2016, Porto, Portugal
Braun D., Warth B., Marko D., Towards the development of an LC-MS/MS multi-method for the quantification of mycotoxins in human breast milk, ASAC-JungakademikerInnenforum, June 10-11 2016, Graz, Austria
Del Favero G., Wölflingseder L., Pahlke G., Warth B., Fruhmann Ph., Krska R., Schuhmacher R., Wiesenberger G., Adam G., Marko D., Deoxynivalenol sulfates: detoxification metabolites?, 38th Mycotoxin Workshop, May 2-4, 2016, Berlin, Germany
Warth B., Vejdovszky K., Schmidt V., Gassner Ch., Hahn K., Sulyok M., Marko D., Exposure towards multiple food contaminants: New insights into their combined toxic effects, Symposium on innovations in food and feed education - risk analysis - novel methodologies, April 5, 2016, IFA Tulln, Austria
Warth B., Del Favero G., Puntscher H., Jarolim K., Pahlke G., Fruhmann Ph., Sarkanj B., Krska R., Schuhmacher F., Adam G., Marko D., Identification and toxicological characterization of deoxynivalenol-3-sulfate, a newly discovered metabolite of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in human urine, 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA), Nov. 3-4, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Groh I., Bakuradze T., Richling E., Marko D., Biological activity of anthocyanin-rich fruit juices in vivo, 8th International Workshop on Anthocyanins, Sept. 16-18, 2015, Montpellier, France
Termeer S., Lang R., Hofmann T., Marko D., Coffee constituents and their plasma metabolites modulate the relative gene transcription of inflammatory markers, 3rd International Congress on Cocoa Coffee and Tea, June 22-24 2015, Aveiro, Portugal
Schröter A., Marko D., "Anthocyane und Chemoprävention: Bioaktivität und potentielle Risiken", "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemikertage 2014", April 23-25, 2014, Vienna, Austria
Hassmann U., Haupt L.M., Smith R.A., Bytof G., Lantz G., Griffiths L.R., Marko D., "Einfluss genetischer Polymorphismen auf die Nrf2-aktivierende Wirkung von Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffen", "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemiker Tage 2014", April 23-25, 2014, Vienna, Austria
Tiessen C., Marko D., "Toxikologische Relevanz von Alternariatoxinen", "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemiker Tage 2014", April 23-25, 2014, Vienna, Austria
Gehrke H., Jarolim K., Pelka J., Hartinger C. G., Marko D., Genotoxic properties of platinum nanoparticles in human colon carcinoma cells, 10th International Comet Assay Workshop, Sept. 2013, Porto, Portugal
Schroeter A., Stornig K., Marko D., Impact of oxidative metabolism on the genotoxic potential of genistein, 10th International Comet Assay Workshop, Sept. 2013, Porto, Portugal
Tiessen C., Gehrke H., Ellmer D., Mikula H., Fröhlich J., Marko D., Genotoxic properties of Alternariol and 4-OH-Alternariol, Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2013, IFA Tulln, July, 2013, Tulln, Austria
Gehrke H., Marko D., Different mechanisms contributing to the DNA damaging properties of Altertoxin-II, Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2013, IFA Tulln, July, 2013, Tulln, Austria
Jarolim K., Tiessen C., Kahle N., Pahlke G., Marko D., Alternariol and Altertoxin II act as possible inducers of the AhR pathway, Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2013, IFA Tulln, July, 2013, Tulln, Austria
Groh I.A.M., Rudakovski O., Schröter A., Marko D., Esselen M. Topoisomerase I inhibition by the oxidative methyleugenol metabolite 3’-oxo methylisoeugenol and its impact on cell cycle progression in human colon carcinoma cells, "Gesellschaft für Umwelt-Mutationsforschung e.V.(GUM) Workshop Nachwuchsförderung", June, 2013, Mainz, Germany
Tiessen C., Gehrke H., Ellmer D., Mikula H., Fröhlich J., Marko D., Genotoxic properties of Alternariol and its Phase I Metabolite 4-OH-Alternariol, 35. Mycotoxin-Workshop, Ghent University Association, Society for Mycotoxin Research, May 2013, Ghent, Belgium