Conference Contributions of Prof. Marko
Marko D.: “Data gaps in the risk assessment of mycotoxins”, 52nd EEMGS / ICAW meeting 2024, 23.-27. September, 2024, Rovinj, Croatia
Plenary Talk at the Euroanalysis, Aug. 27-31, 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia: "Emerging mycotoxins in the food chain: challenges and perspectives"
Talk at the Gordon Research Conference – Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, June 18-23, 2023, Easton, Massachusetts, USA: "Novel Contributors to the Immunosuppressive Properties of Native Alternaria Toxin Mixtures"
Talk at the 13. International Congress of the Serbian Society of Toxicology, May 10-12, 2023, Belgrade, Serbia: "Alternaria Mycotoxins as a Challenge for Risk Assessment"
Invited talk at the Affidia Talks, Dec. 15-16, 2022, Online: Acrylamide, a genotoxic carcinogen?
Invited and plenary talk at the 28. Meeting on Toxinology of the French Society of Toxinology (SFET), Nov. 28-29, 2022 Paris, France: Tracking emerging mycotoxins in food: development of an LC-MS/MS method for free and modified Alternaria toxins
Invited talks at the UPO Univerisità del Piemonte Orientale, Nov. 3-4, 2022, Vercelli, Italy: "Basic Principles in Food Toxicology” and "Case Studies"
Invited talk at the 21. World Congress of the International Society on Toxinology (IST), Oct. 16-20, 2022, AbuDhabi, United Arab Emirates: Alternaria Mycotoxins: Complex Overlay of Mechanisms as a Challenge for Risk Assessment
Invited and plenary talk at the Symposium Power of Fungi and Mycotoxins in the Midst of Climate Change, University North, Koprivnica, Sept. 16-17, 2022, Koprivnica, Croatia: Alternaria Alternata, a Source for Harmful Food Contaminats or Promising Pharmaceutical Scaffolds?
Invited talk at the CAFE Seminar Series - University of Sydney, Centre for Advanced Food Engineering, Aug. 5, 2022, Online: Food Chemistry Emerging Mycotoxins in the Food Chain: From Aflatoxins to Emerging Contaminants
Invited and plenary talk at the 14. International Comet Assay Workshop & 50. Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society Meeting, May 23-26, 2022, Maastricht, Netherlands: Critical Interplay between Gut Microbiome and Mycotoxins with Consequences for Genotoxicity
Invited talk at the GHI Webinar: Issues of Chemical Food Contaminations, May 10, 2022, Online: Mycotoxins in the food chain: from aflatoxins to emerging contaminants
Invited talk at the "LCHG - Arbeitstagung des Regioinalvergandes NRW", March 23, 2022, Online: "Master-Studium der Lebensmittelchemie an der Universität Wien – Aus dem Forschungsalltag: Alternariatoxine als Herausforderung für Analytik und Risikobewertung"
5. ALVA Kontaminantentagung, Dec. 6-7, 2021, Online: "Neue Einblicke in die Toxizität von Alternariatoxinen und deren Interaktion mit dem intestinalen Mikrobiom"
Invited talk at the Food Innovation Forum 2021, Nov. 18-19, 2021, Online: "Lebensmittelkontaminanten und Toxine: Was ist da, was wird kommen?"
Invited and plenary talk at the 6. Croatian Congress of Toxicology (Crotox) 2021, Oct. 5, 2021, Rabac, Croatia: Alternaria Toxins in Food - an Underestimated Hazard?
Invited talk at the Webinar of the EuChemS (European Chemical Society) - Division of Food Chemistry, June 17, 2021, Online: Emerging mycotoxins in the food chain: Analytical Challenges and food safety
Invited talk at the World Mycotoxin Forum 2019, Oct 14-16, 2019, Belfast, Northern Ireland: Immunosuppressive activity of Alternaria toxins
Invited talk at the Ernährungsforum Eferding, Oct. 10, 2019, Eferding, Austria: Ernährungsstudien mit Obst und Gemüse: Welche Aussagekraft haben sie für die Gesundheitsprävention
NutRedOx Meeting, Oct. 2-4, 2019, Lissabon, Portugal: Beyond Antioxidative effects: Combinatory extrogenic effects of beer polyphenols
Plenary talk at the 6th MS Food Day, Sept. 25-27, 2019, Camerino, Italy: Novel insights in the occurrence and bioavailability of endocrine active food components
Invited talk at the Technical University Kaiserslautern, Sept. 23-27, 2019, Kaiserslautern, Germany: Hitzeinduzierte Stoffe in Lebensmitteln
Invited talk at the School of Advanced Studies on Food and Nutrition, Sept. 18-19, 2019, Parma, Italy: Immunomodulatory properties of Alternaria toxins
Invited talk at the Mycotoxin Summer Academy 2019, July 1-12 2019, Tulln, Austria: Toxicity of Mycotoxins
Invited talk at the Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2019, July 5 2019, Tulln, Austria: In vivo toxicoloty of Alternaria metabolites
KoSFoST Korean Society of Food Science and Technology 2019, June 26-28, 2019, Incheon, Korea: Dark coffee consumption protects human blood cells from spontaneous DNA damage
Invited talk at the Gordon Research Seminar Mycotoxins and Phytotoxins, June 15-16, 2019, Easton, Massachusetts: Toxicological Relevance of Alternaria Toxins in Complex Mixtures
Invited talk at the Medical University of Vienna, Jan. 19, 2019, Vienna: Mixture toxicology: state of the art
SFB Fusarium (F37) Closing Event, Jan. 18, 2019, Tulln: Toxicology and metabolism of Fusarium toxins and co-regulated secondary metabolites
Invited talk at the IBP, Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Nov. 28, 2018, Brno: Towards the role of emerging mycotoxins in complex mixtures
Invited talk at the 2. AMICI Symposium, Nov. 8-9, 2018, Graz: Toxins and microbial metabolites in food: a Trojan horse?
Invited talk at the University of Turku, at the Food Chemistry and Food Development Unit of Prof. Baoru Yang, October 4 2018, Turku, Finland: Bioactive food constituents: the small rim between functionality and food safety
Invited talk at the Mycotoxin Summer Academy, July 2, 2018, Tulln, Austria: Toxicity of Mycotoxins
40th Mycotoxin Workshop, June 11-13, 2018, Munich, Germany: Estrogenicity of Alternaria toxins in complex mixtures
"Österreichische Lebensmittelchemikertage 2018", April 25-27, 2018, Seggauberg, Austria: "Der Einfluss von Anthocyanen auf die Toxizität ausgewählter Lebensmittelkontaminanten"
14th European Fusarium Seminar, April 8-11, 2018, Tulln, Austria: Impact of co-occuring xenoestrogens on the endocrine disruptive potential of zearalenone and α-zearalenol
FoBiWo, Feb. 28, 2018, Vienna, Austria: "Smoothies - gesunder Genuss für zwischendurch oder unterschätztes Gesundheitsrisiko"
COST Meeting, Feb. 15-16, 2018, Palma, Mallorca: Differential protective profile of anthocyanins and isoflavones against prooxidative food contaminants
Invited talk at the University of Parma Nov. 17, 2017, Parma, Italy: Molecular Mechanism of Food Constituents: Imprinting the small rim between chemoprevention and food toxicology
EuroFoodChem XIX Conference, Oct. 4-6, 2017, Budapest, Hungary: A Bilberry Anthocyanidin protects colon cells from the genotoxicity of Alternaria Mycotoxins
Invited talk for the "Weiterbildung zum Fachtoxikologen/zur Fachtoxikologin DGPT der Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern", Sept. 26, 2017, Kaiserslautern, Germany: "Hitzeinduzierte Stoffe in Lebensmitteln Teil 2"
Invited talk at the "Abschiedssymposium Prof. Harald Krug / Empa-Akademie", Sept. 21, 2017, St. Gallen, Switzerland: Modulators of redox-signalling in food: from bioactives to nanoparticles
Eurotox 2017 - 53rd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Sept. 10-13, 2017, Bratislava, Slovakia: Human microbiota and mycotoxins: biotransformation, impact on toxicokinetics and relevance for toxicity
Invited talk at the Mycotoxin Summer Academy 2017, July 3-7, 2017, in Tulln, Austria: Toxicity of Mycotoxins
Plenary talk at the World Congress on Polyphenols Applications, June 20-21 2017, Vienna, Austria: Polyphenols modulationg targets relevant in chemotherapy: support of or risk for therapeutic outcome?
Invited talk at the "Österreichisches Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum", May 16, 2017, Vienna, Austria: "Nahrungsergänzungsmittel: Nutzen und mögliches Risiko von "bioaktiven Pflanzenextrakten"
Invited talk for the "Kompetenzcluster Ernährung: Diet Body Brain", May 15, 2017, Bonn, Germany: Topoisomerase targeting by polyphenols: the small ridge between chemoprevention and application-limiting toxicity
Invited talk at the "Deutscher Teeverband - Feier zum 100jährigem Bestehen", April 26, 2017 in Hamburg, Germany: Bioactive food: the small ridge between chemoprevention and food safety
Plenary talk at the ASTOX Symposium, April 20-21, 2017, Vienna, Austria: Estrogenic cocktails in our diet: combinatory effects of myco- and phytoestrogens
"Fachtag Ernährung", March 24, 2017, Vienna, Austria: "An apple a day... Schutzwirkungen von sekundären Pflanzeninhaltsstoffen"
Invited talk at the MedUni Wien, March 22, 2017, Vienna, Austria: Endocrine Disruptors
Invited talk at the MedUni Wien, March 22, 2017, Vienna, Austria: Mycotoxins and Hormones in Animal-derived Food
9th International Workshop on Anthocyanins, Feb. 23, 2017, Auckland, New Zealand: A bilberry anthocyanidin protects colon cells from the genotoxicity of Alternaria mycotoxins
Invited talk at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 18, 2017: From bioactives to emerging mycotoxins: molecular mechanisms relevant for food safety
Anthoplus Mini-Symposium, Nov. 9-10, 2016, San Michele All´Adige, Italy: Bioactivity of berry anthocyanins
Invited talk at the SKLM, 27. Sitzung der AG Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffe, Sept. 29, 2016, Bonn, Germany: "Alternariatoxine- Wirkmechanismen und kombinatorische Effekte"
Invited talk at the Mycotoxins 2016 - 9th Seminar with international participation, Sept. 22-23, 2016, Bratislava, Slowakia: Old toxins, novel challenges – towards the toxicological relevance of mycotoxin mixtures
Invited talk at the Parma Summer School 2016, Sept. 9, 2016, Parma, Italy: Mycotoxins and Metabolites: An endocrine disrupting problem
52th European Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology, Sept. 4-7, 2016, Sevilla, Spain: Co-occurring mycoestrogens formed by Fusarium and Alternaria species mediate synergistic estrogenic effects
Invited talk at the University Muenster, June 20 2016, Muenster, Germany: "Bioaktiv oder cytotoxisch? Zur Rolle von Nrf2-Modulatoren in Lebensmitteln"
Invited talk at the "Österreichischen Lebensmittelchemikertage", June 8-10, 2016, St. Pölten, Austria: "Bioaktive Polyphenole als Modulatoren der Toxizität von Mykotoxinen"
Invited, plenary talk at the 38th Mycotoxin Workshop, May 2-4, 2016, Berlin, Germany: Synergistic estrogenic effects of Fusarium und Alternaria mycotoxins
"Astox Vorstandssitzung", Feb. 11, 2016, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria: Combinatory effects of mycotoxins: novel challenges in risk assessment
Invited talk for the Advanced Training "Fachtoxikologe/Fachtoxikologin DGPT", Oct. 5-9, 2015, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany: "Hitzeinduzierte Stoffe in Lebensmitteln"
Invited talk at the 2nd International Fresenius Conference, Nanotechnology in Food, 9-10, Sept 2015, Cologne, Germany: Impact of silica nanoparticles on cells of the gastrointestinal tract
Invited talk at the Griffith University in Brisbane, Aug. 8, 2015, Brisbane, Australia: Food-drug interaction: on the role of topoisomerase-targeting by anthocyanins
Invited talk at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Aug. 8, 2015, Brisbane, Australia: Bioactive raw and roasted coffee constituents for chemoprevention and modulation of inflammatory processes and lipid and cholesterol metabolism
Invited talk at the "FachDialog Nanotechnologien des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU), FachDialog 4, Nanotechnologien im Lebensmittelbereich", June 14-15, 2015, Berlin, Germany: "Forschung zu Silika in Lebensmitteln - Ergebnisse aus der Analytik und Forschungsbedarf"
Invited talk at the Malta Polyphenols World Congress 2015, June 3-5, Malta: Resveratrol Suppresses the Topoisomerase-Inhibitory Potential of Doxorubicin in Human Colon Carcinoma Cells
Invited lecture at the ICFC International Conference on Food Contaminants 2015, April 14, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal: Combinatory effects of mycotoxins
Invited talk at the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy at the Leopold Franzens University of Innsbruck (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hermann Stuppner), March 23, 2015, Innsbruck, Austria: Food-Drug interaction: On the role of topoisomerase-targeting food constituents during chemotherapy
Invited talk at the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Molecular Cancer Chemoprevention of the Medical University of Vienna (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Gasche), Nov. 21, 2014, Vienna, Austria: "Nahrungsmittelzusaetze vom Labor bis in den Supermarkt"
Invited talk at the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health at the ETH Zurich, Oct. 7, 2014, Zurich, Switzerland: Challenges in Food Safety: On the role of topoisomerase-targeting by food constituents
8th ISANH Congress on Polyphenols Applications, June 5-6, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal: Impact of Oxidative Metabolism on the Bioactivity Profile of Isoflavones
Invited lecture at the "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemiker Tage 2014", April 23-25, 2014, Vienna, Austria: Impact of silica nanoparticles on cellular signaling pathways in cells oft he gastrointestinal tract
Invited talk at the School of Biological Sciences of the University of Hongkong, Jan.24, 2014, Hongkong, China: Challenges in Food Safety: From emerging mycotoxins to nanotoxicology
2nd international congress on Cocoa Coffee and Tea, CoCoTea, Oct. 9-12, 2013, Naples, Italy: Coffee-mediated chemoprevention – matter of genotype
Invited lecture at the Sino-German Symposium on Challenges and Perspectives in Food Safety, Sept. 17-22, 2013, Beijing, China: In vitro studies with engineered nanoparticles addressing safety
Invited lecture at the Griffith Health Institutes, Griffith University, GHI Seminar Series, Aug. 28, 2013, Queensland, Australia: Impact of Metabolism on the Bioactivity of Resveratrol
Invited lecture at the Griffith Health Institutes, Griffith University, GHI Seminar Series, Aug. 12, 2013, Queensland, Australia: Activators of the Nrf2 Pathway in Food
Invited plenary lecture at the Mycotoxin Summer Talks, IFA-Tulln, July 4-5, 2013, Tulln, Austria: Alternaria toxins as inhibitors of human topoisomerase
Invited plenary lecture, Annual Meeting of the Research Association of the German Food Industry (FEI), Sept. 9-10, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany: Identification and bioavailability of food constituents with beneficial health effects
Invited plenary lecture, Joint Scientific Symposium of the Austrian Societies of Toxicology (ASTOX), Pharmacy (ÖPhG), Analytical Chemistry (ASAC), and Forensic Medicine (ÖGGM), and the Comprehensive Cancer Center Vienna (CCC), March, 21-22, 2013, Vienna, Austria: Food-Drug interaction: Anthocyanins-rich preparations affect targets relevant in chemotherapy
"Herbsttagung 2012 des Vereins Österreichischer Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologen (VÖLB)" in cooperation with the Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry ("Österreichische Gesellschaft für Analytische Chemie"), Nov. 21, 2012, Tulln, Austria: Limits and risks of the toxicological evaluation of food constituents
Invited lecture at the 7th Conference of the World Mycotoxin Forum, Nov. 5-9, 2012, Rotterdam, Netherlands: Alternaria toxins als topoisomerase inhibitors
Invited lecture at the 34th Mycotoxin-Workshop 2012, May, 14-16, 2012, Braunschweig, Germany: Identification of genotoxic impact compounds in complex extracts of Alternaria alternate infested rice
Invited lecture at the "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemikertage" April, 25-27, 2012, Linz, Austria: Impact of different encapsulation techniques on the stability and biological activity of bilberry pomace extract in vitro
Invited plenary lecture at the Scientific Symposium Austrian Society of Toxicology (ASTOX) and Emerging Field “Oxidative Stress and DNA Stability” (ANTIOX), Nov. 24-25, 2011: Silica nanoparticles enhance the proliferation of human colon carcinoma cells
Invited lecture at the Scientific Symposium Austrian Society of Toxicology (ASTOX) and Emerging Field “Oxidative Stress and DNA Stability” (ANTIOX), Nov. 24-25, 2011: Activation of the antioxidative Nrf2/ARE-pathway by coffee and selected constituents
Invited lecture at the Final Symposium of the DFG/AiF-Clusterproject: Bioactive constituents out of microstructured multi capsule systems, Nov. 9, 2011, Karlsruhe Germany: The Scientific Background: Bioavailability and Bioactivity of Anthocyanins, Polyphenols & Co.
Invited plenary lecture at the "14. Österreichische Chemietage der Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker" (GÖCH, Austrian Chemical Society), Sept. 26-29, 2011, Linz, Austria: Toxicology of Mycotoxins
Invited plenary lecture at the 5. Symposium on Functional Food, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, May 19-20, 2011, Kiel, Germany: Anthocyanin-rich extracts as protecting factors of the intestinal epithelium
Invited lecture at the Griffith Health Institutes, Griffith University, GHI Seminar Series, Feb. 22, 2011, Queensland, Australia: Bioactive Food – Perspectives and Potential Risks
Invited lecture at the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Dec. 6, 2010, Vienna, Austria: Effects of selected nanostructures on cells of the human gastrointestinal tract
Invited lecture at the 32nd Mycotoxin Workshop, June 14-16, 2010, Lyngby, Denmark: Alternaria toxins – toxicological potential and mechanistical aspects
Invited plenary lecture at the "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemikertage 2010", May, 19-21, 2010, Schloss Seggau, Austria: Identification of chemopreventive constituents in berries
Invited plenary lecture at the Meeting of Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Dei Tumori on Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Cancer Patients, March 27, 2010, Milano, Italy: Diet-derived cancer preventive agents: the example of anthocyanins and their aglycons
"6. Wissenschaftliches Symposium der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Toxikologie (ASTOX)", Feb. 22-23, 2015, Institute of Cancer Research at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria: Complex molecular mechanisms of anthocyanins
Invited lecture at the 8th International Conference & Workshop on Biological Barriers - in vitro Tools, Nanotoxicology, and Nanomedicine, March 21 - April 1, 2010: Nanotechnology and food – opportunities and challenges
Invited plenary lecture at the 17th EUROTOX Training and Discussion Session: Mutagens and Carcinogens in Food, Nov. 2, 2009, Antalya, Turkey: Topoisomerase poisons in food
Invited lecture at the Sino-German Symposium on Food Safety (German Research Council, DFG), Sept. 20, 2009, Nanchang, China: Biological effects of Maillard reaction products
Invited lecture at the 5th Probiotics, Prebiotics & New Foods, Sept. 13-15, 2009, Roma, Italy: Chemopreventive properties of anthocyanin-rich extracts in the GI-tract
Annual meeting of the Society of Toxicology (SOT), March 15-19, 2009, Baltimore, USA: Cellular uptake of platinum nanoparticles in human colon carcinoma cells and their impact on cellular redox systems and DNA integrity
Invited lecture at the 29th winter meeting of the EORTC-. PAMM group, 2008, Palermo, Italy: Natural food constituents suppressing the DNA damaging effects of topoisomerase poisons
Invited lecture at the COST Action 927, Working Group Meeting on Bioactive Compounds from Food-Processing: Biotransformation & Biological Significance, May 8-10, 2008, Granada, Spain: Degradation products of flavonoids and their contribution to the biological activity of the parent compound
Invited lecture at the 29th Mycotoxin-Workshop 2007, May, 14-16, 2007, Fellbach, Germany: Mechanisms of the genotoxic effect of Alternaria toxins