Noah Ratzer


  • Since 03/2025 PhD Thesis
  • 03/2024-02/2025 Master Thesis “Toxicological evaluation of the structurally related mycotoxins altersetin, equisetin and trichosetin: absorption profiles and immunosuppressive/antiestrogenic effects in vitro”
  • 10/2022-02/2025 Master program “Food Chemistry” at the University of Vienna, Austria
  • 01/2022-03/2022 Bachelor Thesis “Bestimmung der Mineralstoffkonzentration von getreidebasierten Milchersatzprodukten im Vergleich zu Kuhmilch mittels Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie und Atomemissionsspektroskopie“
  • 10/2018-05/2022 Bachelor program “Chemistry” at the University of Vienna, Austria

Poster Presentations

  • 04/2024 Ratzer N., Roch P., Walker J.: „Minerals in cereal-based and nut-based milk alternatives”, Austrian Food Chemistry Days 2024, Vienna, Austria