Kola Ayeni
- Since 2023 PostDoc Researcher at the University of Vienna, Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology, Vienna, Austria
- 05/2021-01/2022 Ernst Mach Fellow at the University of Vienna, Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology, Vienna, Austria
- 2019-2022 PhD thesis at the Department of Microbiology, Babcock University, Nigeria, under the supervision of Prof. C.N. Ezekiel. Thesis partly funded by the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD-GmbH), Mobility Programmes, Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation (MPC)
- 2021-2022 Ernst Mach Grant worldwide, awarded by the OeAD-GmbH to investigate “influence of dietary mycotoxins on gut microbiota development in children from Nigeria” at the Global Exposomics & Biomonitoring research laboratory, University of Vienna, Austria.
- Senior Vice President award given to the doctoral graduating student with the overall highest CGPA at Babcock University, 2022.
- Professor Ishola Adamson Prize worth 10,000 Naira given to the best student in the School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Babcock University, 2014.
- Schools Dean Award, given to the best graduating student with the highest CPGA (4.72/5.0) in the School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Babcock University, 2014.
- Merit Award, given to the graduating student with the highest CGPA (4.72/5.0) in Department of Microbiology, Babcock University 2014.
- Award of Academic Excellence, given by Biosciences and Biotechnology Student Association (BABSA) to the best student in the Department of Microbiology, Babcock University 2014.
- 12/2024 Krausová M., Ayeni K.I., Gu Y., Borutzki Y., O'Bryan J., Perley L., Silasi M., Wisgrill L., Johnson C.H., Warth B., Longitudinal biomonitoring of mycotoxin exposure during pregnancy in the Yale Pregnancy Outcome Prediction Study, Environment International
- 06/2024 Oesterle I.,Ayeni K.I., Ezekiel Ch.N., Berry D., Rompel A., Warth B., Insights into the early-life chemical exposome of Nigerian infants and potential correlations with the developing gut microbiome, Environment International
- 03/2024 Berger S., Oesterle I., Ayeni K.I., Ezekiel Ch.N., Rompel A., Warth B., Polyphenol exposure of mothers and infants assessed by LC-MS/MS based biomonitoring in breast milk, Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry
- 02/2024 Ayeni K.I., Seki D., Pjevac P., Hausmann B., Krausová M., Braun D., Wisgrill L., Berry D., Warth B., Ezekiel Ch.N., Biomonitoring of Dietary Mycotoxin Exposure and Associated Impact on the Gut Microbiome in Nigerian Infants, Environmental Science & Technology
- 12/2023 Ayeni K.I., Berry D., Ezekiel Ch.N., Warth B., Enhancing microbiome research in sub-Saharan Africa, Trends in Microbiology
- 12/2023 Ayeni K.I., Jamnik T., Fareed Y., Flasch M., Braun D., Uhl M., Hartmann Ch., Warth B., The Austrian children's biomonitoring survey 2020 Part B: Mycotoxins, phytotoxins, phytoestrogens and food processing contaminants, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Volume 182
- Ayeni KI, Sulyok M, Krska R, Warth B, Ezekiel CN. 2023. Mycotoxins in complementary foods consumed by infants and young children within the first 18 months of life. Food Control, 144, 109328. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2022.109328
- Ayeni KI, David B, Wisgrill L, Warth B, Ezekiel, CN. 2022. Early-life chemical exposome and gut microbiome development: African research perspectives within a global environmental health context. Trends in Microbiology, DOI: 10.1016/j.tim.2022.05.008
- Ezekiel CN, Abia WA, Braun D, Sarkanj B, Ayeni KI, Oyedele OA, Michael-Chikezie EC, Ezekiel VC, Mark BN, Ahuchaogu CP, Krska R, Sulyok M, Turner PC, Warth B. 2022. Mycotoxin exposure biomonitoring in breastfed and non-exclusively breastfed Nigerian children. Environment International, 158: 106996.
- Krausova M, Ayeni KI, Wisgrill L, Ezekiel CN, Braun D, Warth B. 2021. Trace analysis of emerging and regulated mycotoxins in infant stool by LC-MS/MS. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Doi: /10.1007/s00216-021-03803-9
- Dike K, Okafor CP, Ohabuhiro BN, Maduwuba MC, Ezeokoli OT, Ayeni KI, Okafor CM, Ezekiel CN. 2021. Analysis of bacterial communities of three cassava-based traditionally fermented Nigerian foods (abacha, fufu and garri). Letters in Applied Microbiology, DOI: 10.1111/lam.13621
- Akinyemi MO, Ayeni KI, Ogunremi OR, Adeleke RA, Oguntoyinbo FA, Warth B. & Ezekiel CN. 2021. A review of microbes and chemical contaminants in dairy products in sub-Saharan Africa. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, DOI: 10.1111/1541-4337.12712.
- Ezekiel CN, Ayeni KI, Akinyemi MO, Sulyok M, Oyedele OA, Babalola DA, Ogara IM. & Krska R. 2021. Dietary risk assessment and consumer awareness of mycotoxins among household consumers of cereals, nuts and legumes in North-Central Nigeria. Toxins, 13, 635.
- Ekpakpale DO, Kraak B, Meijer M, Ayeni KI, Houbraken J. & Ezekiel CN. 2021. Fungal diversity and aflatoxins in maize and rice grains and cassava-based flour (pupuru) from Ondo state, Nigeria. Journal of Fungi, 7, 635.
- Ayeni KI, Atanda OO, Krska R. & Ezekiel CN. 2021. Present status and future perspectives of grain drying and storage practices as a means to reduce mycotoxin exposure in Nigeria. Food Control, DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.108074.
- Ayeni KI, Sulyok M, Krska R. & Ezekiel CN. 2020. Fungal and plant metabolites in industrially-processed fruit juices in Nigeria. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B Surveillance, 13(3), 155-161.
- Ezekiel CN, Kraak B, Sandoval-Denis M, Sulyok M, Oyedele OA, Ayeni KI, Makinde OM, Akinyemi OM, Krska R, Crous PW, & Houbraken, J. 2020. Diversity and toxigenicity of fungi and description of Fusarium madaense sp. nov. from cereals, legumes and soils in north-central Nigeria. MycoKeys, 67, 95-124.
- Oyedele AO, Kuzamani KY, Adetunji MC, Osopale BA, Makinde OM, Onyebuenyi OE, Ogunmola OM, Mozea OC, Ayeni KI, Ezeokoli OT, Oyinloye AM, Ngoma L, Mwanza M, & Ezekiel CN. 2020. Bacteriological assessment of tropical retail fresh-cut, ready-to-eat fruits in south-western Nigeria. Scientific African, e00505.
- Ezekiel CN, Oyedele OA, Bart Kraak, Ayeni KI, Sulyok M, Houbraken J. & Krska R. 2020. Fungal diversity and mycotoxins in low moisture content ready-to-eat foods in Nigeria. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 1-17.
- Makinde OM, Ayeni KI, Sulyok M, Krska R, Adeleke RA. & Ezekiel CN. 2020. Microbiological safety of ready-to-eat foods in low- and middle-income countries: A comprehensive 10-year (2009–2018) review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 19(2), 703-732.
- Ezekiel CN, Ayeni KI, Ezeokoli OT, Sulyok M, van Wyk DAB, Oyedele OA, Akinyemi OM, Chibuzor-Onyema IE, Adeleke RA, Nwangburuka CC, Hajšlová J, Elliott CT & Krska R. 2019. High-throughput sequence analyses of bacterial communities and multi-mycotoxin profiling during processing of different formulations of kunu, a traditional fermented beverage. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:3282.
- Ojuri OT, Ezekiel CN, Sulyok M, Ezeokoli OT, Oyedele OA, Ayeni KI, Eskola MK, Sarkanj B, Hajslova J, Adeleke RA, Nwangburuka CC, Elliott CT & Krska R 2018. Assessing the mycotoxicological risk from consumption of complementary foods by infants and young children in Nigeria. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 121, 37-50.
- Ezekiel CN, Oyeyemi OT, Oyedele OA, Ayeni KI, Oyeyemi IT, Nabofa W, Nwozichi CU & Dada A. 2018. Urinary aflatoxin exposure monitoring in rural and semi-urban populations in Ogun State, Nigeria. Food Additives and Contaminants, Part A. 35(8), 1565-1572.
- Sombie JIN, Ezekiel CN, Sulyok M, Ayeni KI, Jonsyn-Ellis F & Krska R. 2018. Survey of roasted street-vended nuts in Sierra Leone for toxic metabolites of fungal origin. Food Additives and Contaminants, Part A. 35(8), 1573-1580.
- Ademola OM, Adeyemi TE, Ezeokoli OT, Ayeni KI, Obadina AO, Somorin YM, Omemu AM, Adeleke RA, Nwangburuka CC, Oluwafemi F, Oyewole OB. & Ezekiel CN. 2018. Phylogenetic analyses of bacteria associated with the processing of iru and ogiri condiments. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 67(4), 354-362.
- Ezekiel CN, Ayeni KI, Misihairabgwi J, Somorin Y, Chibuzor-Onyema I, Oyedele OA, Abia WA, Sulyok M, Shephard GS & Krska, R. 2018. Traditionally processed beverages in Africa: a review of the mycotoxin occurrence patterns and exposure assessment. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 17:334-352
Oral Presentations
- 04/2024 Ayeni K., Warth B.: "Non-targeted analysis of UGR samples", PARC Meeting, Nantes, France
- 06/2023 Ayeni K., Krausová M., Gu Y., Pjevac P., Seki D., Braun D., Wisgrill L., Berry D., Ezekiel C., Johnson C., Warth B.: "Human Biomonitoring of Mycotoxins in Biological Samples", Talk at the Karolinska Institutet – Retreat Seminar, Stockholm, Sweden
- 10/2021 Ayeni K.I., Krausova M., Braun D., Pjevac P., Wisgrill L., Berry D., Warth B., Ezekiel Ch.N., Potential impact of mycotoxins on the developing gut microbiome in Nigerian infants, Invited Talk at the Virtual Pre-Conference on Human Exposome of the World Mycotoxin Forum, Oct. 12, 2021, Online
- 09/2021 Ayeni K.I., Krausova M., Braun D., Warth B., Ezekiel Ch.N., Mycotoxin exposure in Nigerian infants using stool biomarkers, 14. Annual Conference of the Mycotoxicology Society of Nigeria, Sept. 26-29, 2021, Abuja, Nigeria
Poster Presentations
- Ayeni K.I., Seki D., Pjevac P., Hausmann B., Krausova M., Braun D., Wisgrill L., Berry D., Warth B., Ezekiel Ch.N.: Biomonitoring of mycotoxin exposure and associated impact on the gut microbiome in Nigerian infants, 45. Mycotoxin Workshop, June 3-5, 2024, Vienna, Austria
- 04/2024 Ayeni K., Jamnik Th., Fareed Y., Flasch M., Braun D., Uhl M., Hartmann Ch., Warth B., Biomarkers of mycotoxin exposure: the Austrian children’s biomonitoring survey 2020, Austrian Food Chemistry Days 2024, Vienna, Austria
- 06/2023 Ayeni K.I., Krausová M., Pjevac P., Seki D., Hausmann B., Braun D., Wisgrill L., Berry D., Warth B., Ezekiel C.N.: "Mycotoxin Exposure Impacts the Developing Gut Microbiome in Nigerian Infants", 6th AMICI Symposium, Vienna, Austria
- 03/2023 Ayeni K.I., Braun D., Lanaridi O., Jamnik Th., Fareed Y., Hartmann Ch., Uhl M., Warth B.: “Biomarkers of mycotoxin exposure in the Austrian children’s biomonitoring survey 2020”, 1. Exposome Austria Retreat, Retz, Austria
- 09/2022 Ayeni K.I., Braun D., Lanaridi O., Hartmann Ch., Uhl M., Warth B., Biomarkers of mycotoxin exposure in the Austrian children’s biomonitoring survey 2020, ASTOX Symposium, Vienna, Austria
- 2017 GC-MS analysis and antimicrobial activity of Deadalea elegans – a Nigerian mushroom, Young Microbiologists Conference 2017, Babcock University, Nigeria.