Hélène-Christine Prause
- Since 03/2021 PhD thesis
- 2021 Master thesis "Cytotoxicity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids found in tea, their detoxification with glutathione, and the perceived risk of exposure"
- 09/2018-10/2020 Master´s program "Applied Food Safety" at the Wageningen University (Netherlands)
- 10/2017-02/2018 Master´s program "Food Chemistry" at the Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology
- 2021 International Award of the DoSChem (Doctoral School of Chemistry)
- 03/2025 Hélène-Christine Prause, Nadine Hochmayr, Yanan Yu, Thomas Ostenfeld Larsen, Per Juel Hansen, Giorgia Del Favero, Doris Marko, Allen Place, Elisabeth Varga, The cytotoxic and hemolytic potential of karmitoxin from Karlodinium armiger and how it interacts with sterols, Harmful Algae
- 11/2024 Prause H-Ch. , Berk D. , Alves-de-Souza C. , Hansen P.J. , Larsen Th.O. , Marko D. , Del Favero G. , Place A. , Varga E., How relevant are sterols in the mode of action of prymnesins?, Aquatic Toxikology
- 01/2024 Varga E., Prause H-Ch., Riepl M., Hochmayr N., Berk D., Attakpah E., Kiss E., Medić N., Del Favero G., Ostenfeld Larsen Th., Hansen P.J., Marko D., Cytotoxicity of Prymnesium parvum extracts and prymnesin analogs on epithelial fish gill cells RTgill-W1 and the human colon cell line HCEC-1CT, Archives of Toxicology
- 08/2021 Schenke M., Prause H-Ch., Bergforth W., Przykopanski A., Rummel A., Klawonn F., Seeger B., Human-Relevant Sensitivity of iPSC-Derived Human Motor Neurons to BoNT/A1 and B1, Toxins
Poster Presentations
- 06/2023 Prause H-C., Berk D., Hansen P.J., Ostenfeld Larsen T., Marko D., Place A., Varga E.: "Breaking down barriers: the role of membrane sterols in microalgal ichthyotoxicity", Gordon Research Conference – Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, Easton, Massachusetts, USA
- 04/2023 Prause H.Ch., Hochmayr N., Ostenfeld Larsen Th., Hansen P.J., Kiss E., Del Favero G., Marko D., Place A., Varga E.: “Prymnesium parvum and prymnesins: Investigating the Underlying Toxicology”, DoSChem Retreat Panel B, Fürstenfeld, Austria
- 09/2021 Prause H.-Ch., Wolf E., Tillmann U., Krock B., Varga E., Marko D., Toxicological evaluation of Alexandrium spp. - the challenge of plastic, DoSChem Internatioanl Student Symposium, Vienna
Oral Presentations
- 11/2023 Prause H-Ch., Berk D., Kiss E., Del Favero G., Ostenfeld Larsen Th., Hansen P.J., Marko D., Place A., Varga E.: "Investigating the in-vitro toxicity mechanisms of prymnesins from Prymnesium parvum", Talk at the International Conference on Harmful Algae (ICHA), Hiroshima, Japan
- 06/2023 Prause H-Ch., Berk D., Hansen P.J., Ostenfeld Larsen T., Marko D., Place A., Varga E.: "Breaking down barriers: the role of membrane sterols in microalgal ichthyotoxicity", Gordon Research Conference – Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, Easton, Massachusetts, USA
- 09/2022 Prause H.-Ch., Hansen P.J., Ostenfeld Larsen T., Alves-de-Souza C., Marko D., Place A., Varga E., Interaction of A-, B-, and C-Type Prymnesins with Sterols, ASTOX Symposium, Vienna, Austria
- 11/2021 Prause H.-Ch., Wolf E., Tillmann U., Krock B., Varga E., Marko D., Toxicological evalutaion of allelochemical compounds produced Alexandrium spp. - Establishing a suitable cytotoxicity assay, ASTOX Mini-Symposium "Young Toxicologists", Online