Benedikt Warth

Group Leader of Global Exposomics & Biomonitoring

Academic Career

  • Since 10/2022 Full Professor for Food Chemistry and Exposome Research
  • 03/2022 ERC Consolidator Grant EXPOMET funded
  • 01/2022 Coordinator of ‘Exposome Austria’, the national hub of the ESFRI-EIRENE research infrastructure
  • Since 10/2018-09/2022 Associate Professor, University of Vienna, Department of Food Chemistry & Toxicology
  •  2016-2017 Senior Research Associate, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California, Erwin-Schrödinger fellow, Topic: "Metabolomics to investigate combined cancer therapy", Mentor: Gary Siuzdak (Senior Director, Scripps Center for Metabolomics), Funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
  • 2015-2016 Senior Scientist at the University of Vienna, Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology, Mentor: Doris Marko, Funding: University of Vienna
  • 2013-2015 Postdoctoral research fellow at IFA-Tulln, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rainer Schuhmacher, Topic: “GC-MS & LC-MS based metabolomics, molecular plant-pathogen interactions”, Funding: Austrian Science Fund, special research program Fusarium 
  • 2009-2012 Graduate research fellow within the graduate school program Applied Bioscience Technologies (AB-Tec) of the Vienna University of Technology at BOKU Vienna, IFA-Tulln, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Krska. Topic: "Biomonitoring of dietary mycotoxin esposure", Funding: European Commission, large collaborative project MycoRed
  • 2008 Undergraduate research assistant, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Carl-Fredrik Mandenius, Linköping University, Sweden, Topic: “Software sensors for advanced bioprocess on-line monitoring”, Funding: Linköping University


  • 2012 Doctoral degree (PhD) in Analytical Chemistry (with Honors), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Boku University, Austria, Date of Graduation: 12.12.2012
  • 2009-2012 PhD thesis “Determination of Mycotoxins with Special Emphasis on Urinary Biomarkers for Proper Exposure Assessment using Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry” at the Department IFA-Tulln, BOKU University, Austria
  • 2009 Diploma in Biotechnology (with Honors), BOKU University, Austria
  • 2007-2009 Master in Biotechnology, BOKU University, Austria
  • 2003-2007 Bachelor Studies of Food Science and Biotechnology, BOKU University, Austria
  • 1995-2003 Academic High School (BRG Bruck an der Mur, Specialization in natural sciences)

Scholarships and Special Awards (selection)

  • 2021 Brigitte Gedek-Science-Award of the German Society of Mycotoxin Research
  • 2121 "Wissenschaftspreis" of the City of Vienna
  • 2020 "Feigl-Preis" of the Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry (ASAC)
  • 2017 Anton-Paar Science Award of the Austrian Chemical Society for innovative research contributions of emerging scientists
  • 2015 Erwin-Schrödinger-Fellowship (FWF), Project "Metabolomics to investigate combined cancer therapy" at the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California
  • 2015 Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Best Paper Award 2015: voted a stop 3 candidate for the paper “Deoxynivalenol-sulfates: identification and quantification of novel conjugated (masked) mycotoxins in wheat"
  • 2013 Best Paper Award from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU): for an excellent publication of a young researcher
  • 2012 Science & Innovation Award sponsored by Raiffeisen: for excellent research contributions and an outstanding publication in the field of life sciences
  • 2012 Young Investigators Award from the Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry (ASAC) for the paper “Development and validation of a rapid multi-biomarker LC-MS/MS method to assess human exposure to mycotoxins. Rapid Comm Mass Spectr. 2012, 26, 1533-1540”
  • 2012 Publication Award from the Department IFA-Tulln: for outstanding publication activity 2011/12
  • 2012 Hygiene Prize from the Austrian Society for Hygiene, Microbiology and Preventive Medicine (ÖGHMP): for excellent research in the field of mycotoxin food safety
  • 2011 Innovation Award from the Accent Founder´s Service (2nd place): for innovative and economically promising biomarker research
  • 2010 INITS Award (general technologies, 2nd place): for bioprocess technology innovations in the area of software sensor engineering
  • 2008 Preparatory Research Scholarship at Linköping University, Sweden (2 months)
  • 2007 Erasmus Mobility Scholarship from the European Commission (12 months)

Advanced Training and Management Skills

  • 2012 Training on science management and communication by Science2Public, Vienna, Austria
  • 2011-2013 Management of MycoRed short-term visits to promote young researchers
  • 2010, 2014 Organization and realization of Food Safety workshops and training of local scientists, technicians, authorities, and farmers in Burkina Faso, Mozambique, and Rwanda (total duration 2 months)


Oral Presentations (selection)

  • 08/2023 Warth B.: "New exposomic approaches for assessing chemical exposure by mass spectrometry", Invited talk at the 3rd Chinese American Society for Mass Spectrometry (CASMS), Houston, Texas, USA
  • 07/2023 Warth B.: "Unconventional omics technology for deciphering the impact of chemical and lifestyle exposures on human health", Invited and keynote talk at the NetSci2023 Conference, Vienna, Austria
  • 04/2023 Warth B.: “New exposomic approaches for assessing and evaluating chemical exposure”, Invited Talk at the Austrian Cohort Research Days, Vienna, Austria
  • 03/02023 Warth B.: „Introduction to the ESFRI research infrastructure and new omic technology for chemical exposure“, Plenary Talk at the  1. Exposome Austria Retreat, Retz, Austria
  • 06/2022 "Measuring the Exposome - Delusion of Next Frontier?", Invited Talk at the HEAP Symposium, Graz, Austria
  • 05/2022 "Analysing the Chemical Exposome: Delusion or next Frontier?", Plenary Talk at the World Mycotoxin Forum, Parma, Italy
  • 04/2022 "Humanes Biomonitoring von Lebensmittelkontaminanten: von der gezielten Analyse zu innovativen non-targeted Ansätzen", Plenary talk at the "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemikertage", Online
  • 11/2021 Warth B., Measuring the Chemical Exposome: Delusion or Next Frontier?, Invited talk at RECETOX Research Center at the Masaryk University Faculty of Science, Bruenn, Czech Republic

  • 11/2021 Warth B., Exposure and Effect of Environmental and Food Toxicants: An Omics´ Perspective, Invited talk at the NuGO webinar: Mapping the exposome - linking exposure and effect, Online

  • 10/2021 Warth B., The role of mycotoxin research in the era of exposomics, Plenary Talk at the Virtual Pre-Conference on Human Exposome of the World Mycotoxin Forum, Online
  • 04/2021 Warth B., Measuring the exposome and its interaction with drugs: a new frontier in precision medicine?, Invited Talk at the Metabolomics Society Precision Medicine Workshop, Online
  • 02/2021 Warth B., Investigating the Chemical Exposome and Its Interaction with Drugs, Invited Talk at the NIEHS Exposure Science and the Exposome Webinar Series, Online
  • 01/2021 Warth B., Measuring the Chemical Exposome: Delusion or Next Frontier?, Invited Talk at the Social Exposome Cluster - Research Seminar, Vancouver, Canada
  • 11/2020 Warth B., Measuring the Exposome: Delusion or Next Frontier?, invited talk at the "73. Ordentliche Hauptversammlung und Festveranstaltung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Analytische Chemie (ASAC) in der Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (GÖCH)", Tulln, Austria
  • 11/2020 Warth B., Exposomics as a new paradigm for investigating toxicants, invited talk at the 7th Munich Metabolomics Meeting, Munich, Germany
  • 03/2020 Warth B., Exposomics: A New Paradigm for Investigating Fate, Toxicity and Exposure of Environmental Contaminants, invited talk at the EDGE Environmental Geosciences, Vienna, Austria
  • 01/2020 Warth B., Assessment of Food Contaminants in Biological Matrices: From Targeted Towards Exposome-Scale Apporaches, invited talk at the Sanibel Conference, South Seas Island Resort, Captiva Island, Florida, USA
  • 12/2019 "Vorkommen und Bioverfügbarkeit endokrin aktiver Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffe", invited talk at the "4. Linzer Kontaminantentagung", Linz, Austria
  • 11/2019 Metabolomics - Key technology for deciphering the exposome?, invited talk at the "Biophysikalisch-chemisches Kolloquium" at the Department of Biophysical Chemistry, Vienna, Austria
  • 11/2019 "Auf den Spuren des Exposoms", invited talk at the 6th event of the event series "Umwelt im Gespräch" at the National History Museum, organised by the Environmental Sciences Research Network of the University of Vienna: In the chemical cloud: "Umwelteinflüsse und unsere Gesundheit", Vienna, Austria
  • 11/2019 Mycotoxins, xenoestrogens and the exposome, invited talk at the "Fachdialog im Umweltministerium (BMNT), Vienna, Austria
  • 09/2019 Chemical Exposure Metabolomics, Invited Talk at the EUROTOX 2019 - 55th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology,  Helsinki, Finland
  • 07/2019 Deciphering the Exposome by Mass Spectrometry, Invited Talk at Yale University, New Haven, USA
  • 07/2019 Exposomics: A New Paradigm for Investigating Food and Environmental Contaminants, Plenary Talk at the Gordon Research Seminar "Water Disinfection Byproducts", Mount Holyoke, USA
  • 04/2019 Global metabolomics as a key technology for deciphering toxin exposure and effect, ASTOX Symposium, Vienna, Austria
  • 04/2019 "Metabolomics - Schlüsseltechnologie zur Erforschung des Exposomes?", Invited talk at the 8. Berliner LC_MS/MS Symposium, Berlin, Germany
  • 09/2018 Metabolomics - The Key to Deciphering and Ameliorating the Impact of the Exposome, Austrian Proteomics and Metabolomics Association Conference, Vienna, Austria
  • 06/2018 Deciphering the exposome by mass spectrometry, "Fakultätskolloquium", University of Vienna, Austria
  • 06/2018 Metabolomics - A key technology for deciphering exposure and effect, ASMS AMerican Society for Mass Spectrometry, San Diego, USA
  • 05/2018 Assessment of food contaminants in biological matrices: From targeted towards exposome-scale approaches?, BOKU, IFA, Tulln, Austria
  • 04/2018 Investigating drug-food interactions by global exposomics, "Österreichische Lebensmittelchemiker Tage 2018", Seggauberg, Austria
  • 04/2018 Exposomics: A new paradigm for investigating food contaminants?, Analytica Conference, Munich, Germany
  • 02/2018 The expanding role of mass spectrometry in exposomics research, Mass Spec Forum Vienna, Austria
  • 01/2018 (Invited) Biomonitoring of food contaminants: From targeted towards exposome-scale approaches, "Institutsseminar Analytische Chemie", Vienna, Austria
  • 09/2017 (Invited) Mass Spectrometry guided food safety: from targeted towards exposome-scale analysis, "17. Österreichische Chemietage der GÖCH", Salzburg, Austria
  • 08/2017 (Invited) Exposing the Exposome: Utilizing global metabolomics to characterize toxicant exposure and effect, National meeting of the American Chemical Society, Division of Chemical Toxicology, Washington D.C.
  • 10/2016 (Invited) Expanding the role of mass spectrometry in food chemistry and toxicology, "Symposium on Future Research Perspectives", University of Vienna / Austria
  • 04/2016 (Invited) Warth B., Vejdovszky K., Marko D., Exposure towards multiple food contaminants: New insights into their combined toxic effects, "Symposium on Innovations in Food & Feed Safety", Tulln / Austria
  • 11/2015 Warth B., Del Favero G., Puntscher H., et al., Identification and toxicological characterization of deoxynivalenol-3-sulfate, a newly discovered metabolite of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in human urine, "7th International Sympoisum on Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA), Prag, Czech Republic
  • 06/2015 (Poster) Warth B., Fruhmann P., Wiesenberger G., et al., Deoxynivalenol-sulfates: new conjugates occuring in planta and in human urine, "37th Mycotoxin Workshop", Bratislava / Slovakia
  • 11/2014 (Invited), Warth B., Parich A., Büschl C., et al., How does deoxynivalenol affect the wheat metabolome? The World Mycotoxin Forum, 8th Conference, Vienna, Austria
  • 07/2014 (Invited) Warth B., Parich A., Büschl C., et al., What is the effect of the Fusarium toxin deoxynivalenol on the primary wheat metabolome? Mycotoxin Summer Talks, Tulln, Austria
  • 06/2014 Warth B., Parich A., Büschl C., et al., What is the effect of the Fusarium toxin deoxynivalenol on the primary wheat metabolome ? "10th ASAC JunganalytikerInnenforum", Tulln / Austria
  • 12/2013 (Poster) Warth B., Parich A., Schöfbeck D., et al., Effects of deoxynivalenol on the wheat metabolome, "2013 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum", Milwaukee, Wisconsin / USA
  • 07/2013 (Invited) Warth B., Sulyok M., Fruhmann P., et al., Exposure to mycotoxins: The biomarker approach, "Mycotoxin Summer Talks", Tulln, Austria
  • 05/2013 Warth B., Sulyok M., Maul R., et al., Deoxynivalenol metabolism: Recent in vivo and in vitro studies in human and animal species. "ISM-MycoRed International Conference Europe", Martina Franca, Italy
  • 11/2012 Warth B., Sulyok M., Albia W., Advanced analytical tools for multi-analyte determination of mycotoxins and related biomarkers. "WMF meets IUPAC", Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • 06/2012 (Poster) Warth B., Sulyok M., Abia W., et al., Application of a Multi-Biomarker LC-MS/MS method for Mycotoxin Exposure Assessment, "Mycored North America 2012" Ottawa
  • 09/2011 Warth B., Sulyok M., Fruhmann P., et al., Assessment of Exposure to the Fusarium Toxin Deoxynivalenol: A Biomarker Approach, "7th JunganalytikerInnenforum Linz JKU", Linz / Austria
  • 11/2011 Warth B., Sulyok M., Fruhmann P., et al., Assessment of exposure to the Fusarium toxin deoxynivalenol: a biomarker approach, "Recent Advances in Food Analysis" (RAFA), Prague, Czech Republic
  • 06/2011 (Poster) Warth B., Sulyok M., Berthiller F., et al., Quantification of deoxynivalenol glucuronide in humen urine as a biomarker of exposure to deoxynivalenol, "Gordon Research Conference", Colby College, Waterville, ME / USA
  • 06/2011 (Poster) Warth B., Sulyok M., Fruhmann P., et al., Biomarkers of exposure to deoxynivalenol and zearalenone: Method development and its application to human urine samples, "33rd Mycotoxin-Workshop", Freising / Germany
  • 09/2010 Warth B., Berthiller F., Schuhmacher R., et al., Determination of Mycotoxin Biomarkers in Human Urine as a Tool for the Estimation of Fusarium Toxin Contamination in Food, "BerlinFOOD2010", Berlin / Germany
  • 06/2010 (Poster) Warth B., Fruhmann P., Mikula H., et al., Glucuronide Conjugates of Deoxynivalenol and Zearalenone in Human Urine: A Novel LC-MS/MS Approach, "32nd Mycotoxin-Workshop", Lyngby / Kopenhagen