- March 2025 Welcome to our 3 new team members: PhD Noah Ratzer, Master Student Nick Hetzschold and Master Student Marie Vogt! We are looking forward to the collaboration!
- February 2025 Congratulations to our Master Student Katharina Pfundt (supervised by Benedikt Warth, co-supervised by Vinicius Verri Hernandes) who won the best poster prize on the 35th Mass Spec Forum!
For more infos click here.
- January 2025 Interesting video about the exposome research at our department:
Whether in food, water or air - we are exposed to thousands of foreign substances every day. But which of them are really dangerous and how do they interact? Prof. Benedikt Warth deals with the question of how environmental factors influence our health.
Watch the video to learn why food safety is better today than ever before, what challenges still remain, and why our behavior - from diet to smoking to alcohol consumption - plays a major role.
If you are interessted in learning more about food safety, there is also a podcast to listen to at youtube called "Analytically Delicious: Food Safety Insights":
Benedikt Warth features in Episode 8.
- January 2025 We are starting the new year with several new team members:
Yuri Bastos Moreira from the University in Ghent is taking over the PostDoc position of Florian Kaltner. With Genevieve Edobor we have finally found a successor for the vacant position of a CTA at Giorgia Del Favero´s working group. Klemens Knapp is joining Benedikt Warth's team as a new Master's student. And we have another Erasmus intern from Germany who is also doing her Master's. Katharina Struck will be with us for six months as part of Doris Marko's team.
We are happy to welcome the new team members and look forward to a fruitful collaboration!
- December 2024 Congratulations to Denisa Vata and Maryse Max for successfully defending their Master Theses:
Denisa Vata: Do mycotoxins alter cytochrome P450-mediated anticancer drug metabolism?
Maryse Max: The mycoestrogen zearalenone and its metabolite Alpha-zearalenol interfere with doxorubicin activity in estrogen-dependent breast cancer
- November 2024 Welcome to 3 new team members. Two of them have already been here: Dino Grgic is back as PostDoc and will support Doris Marko's team. Thomas Jamnik has returned as PHD to Benedikt Warth's working group. And we have a guest scientist from Italy: PhD student Fabio Beccari in Doris Marko's working group.
- September 2024 Congratulations to Florian Kaltner, who received the Werner Baltes Prize from the Food Chemistry Society (LChG)! This prestigious award is for special scientific achievements by young colleagues who are already working independently but have not yet been appointed to a permanent position.
- September 2024 DosChem Symposium: sparkling science at the annual meeting of the doctoral school of the Faculty of Chemistry. Maximilian Jobst was awarded with one of the Poster Prizes! Fantastic Job!!!! Thanks to the organizing committee for putting together such an entertaining and cutting-edge program!
- September 2024 EUROTOX 2024 in Copenhagen was not only 360-degrees great science around Toxicology, but also special memories for the working group Biophysical Toxicology: Maximilian Jobst was awarded with the Poster Prize for the Speciality Session Carcinogenesis! Congratulations for this milestone!
- July 2024 Outstanding presentation of Janice Bergen at the conference of Biophysics Austria in Salzburg! Congratulations for the great job and for the Travel Grant!
- June 2024 Congratulations to Janice Bergen for being awarded the „ASTOX Young Investigator Educational Enhancement Travel Award“ 2024! Fantastic opportunity to join to 22 nd International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro – ESTIV in Prague!
- June 2024 Congratulations to Dzeneta Dedic and Crepelle Plaza on doing a great job defending their Master's Defensios and completing their Master's Degree Programs!! We wish them all the best for their future!
- June 2024 45. Mycotoxin Workshop 2024
We took the chance to take a group picture of everyone taking part of our Department:
- May 2024 Congratulations to Yunyun Gu who is the new DoSChem awardee of the “International Exchange Programme”, together with Tobias Pointner. Yunyun receives funding for her scientific stay at Harvard Medical School, USA. She will conduct her project with the title “Exposome epidemiology for xenobiotics exposures associated with breast cancer” in the group of Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Chirag Patel at the Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School. Check out here.
- May 2024 Congratulations to Natalia Castejón, who has been awarded the prestigious Ramon y Cajal Fellowship by the Spanish government! She will join the Department of Food Science at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid in September 2024. We wish her all the best for her future career!
- April 2024 This year´s Mycotoxin Workshop is taking place in Vienna on June 2-5,2024! For more information see: Any questions should be addressed to: You can find impressions of what awaits you in Vienna here: Picture provided by WienTourismus: Hope to see you in June!
- April 2024 Congratulations to Vanessa Partsch for receiving the Friedrich Bauer Award for the best master thesis in the area of Food Chemistry: "Identification of novel immunosuppressive and antiestrogenic Alternaria mycotoxins through toxicity-guided fractionation of a complex Alternaria mycotoxin extract"
- April 2024 The Austrian Food Chemistry Days 2024 took place this year from April 3 to 5 in Vienna at the Faculty of Chemistry!
- März 2024 Congratulations to our PhD Student Judith Gufler who won the poster prize at the German Pharm-Tox Summit for her poster: "Opposite effects of food mycotoxins alternariol and deoxynivalenol on the immunomodulatory properties of anticancer drug oxaliplatin"
- February 2024 Welcome to our new team member PostDoc Florian Kaltner! We are looking forward to the collaboration!
- January 2024 Three among the ten most nominated teachers for the Best-Teaching Award 2023 at the Faculty of Chemistry (Preis für gute Lehre 2023; category Master) are affiliated to the LMC-Department:
Prof. Doris Marko, Ass. Prof. Giorgia Del Favero and Dr. Joel Walker were selected by our students and made it to the shortlist!
- December 2023 Congratulations to Dino Grgic for successfully defending his PhD thesis "Combinatory endocrine activity of mycoestrogens and phytoestrogens"! Saying goodbye to another long term team member...
- November 2023 Congratulations to Janice Bergen and Claudia Iriarte Mesa for winning the DoSChem New Ideas Award!! Project title: "Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of Coenzyme Q10 delivered from liposome coated-mesoporous silica: novel hybrid nanoformulations towards the treatment of ulcerative colitis"
For more infos check out here!
- November 2023 Welcome to our new CTA Kevin Schneider! We are looking forward to working together!
- October 2023 Several new team members starting this month: Julia Füreder and Kathrin Sigl are two new PhD students in the working group of Benedikt Warth. Lisa Hildebrand from the university of Würzburg is doing an internship in the working group of Doris Marko. Welcome to all of them! We always enjoy having new personalities in our team!
- September 2023 Three of our Master Students successfully defended their thesis this September:
Romanos Argyriadis-Daras: Investigations into RTgill-W1 viability under various salinities, and evaluation of HPLC-QTOF-MS data of type C-prymnesins
Deniz Berk: In vitro investigations into the toxicity of microalgal toxins towards fish gill cells
Magdalena Plangger: Toxicological evaluation of bioactive extracellular compounds from potentially lytic Alexandrium species
Congratulations to all of them! And we wish them all the best for their future!
- September 2023 Sad news: two team members are leaving us:
Elisabeth Varga, who joined the working group of Doris Marko in 2018, has accepted a position as Ass.Prof. at the VetMed, and
Sonja Tischler, CTA in our department since 2020, is leaving university for good and changing to the world of business.
We wish both of them all the best for their future careers!
- September 2023 Welcome to two new team members:
Florian Call, DoSChem student and working with Francesco Crudo in the working group of Doris Marko and Delia Castilla Fernández, new PostDoc joining the working group of Benedikt Warth!
- June 2023 Congratulations to Sonja Zwander for successfully defending her Master Thesis "Integrating eco-friendly approaches to produce protein hydrolysates with antioxidant properties from Microchloropsis gaditana"
- May 2023 Congratulations to Julia Schlappack for successfully defending her Master Thesis "The singel and combinatory effects of anthocyanins and polyphenols on HCT116- and HCEC cells and their effect during chemotherapy"
- March 2023 Congratulations to Natascha Stoirer for successfully defending her Master Thesis: Impact of anthocyanin-rich berry extracts on oxidative stress and the NF-kB pathway in human in vitro models
- February 2023 Congratulations to Chenyifan Hong and Dimitra Bella-Velidou for successfully defending their Master Theses:
- Chenyifan Hong: Combinatory effects of process contaminants and fungal toxins
- Dimitra Bella-Velidou: Estrogenic Activity of Isoflavone Metabolites
- January 2023 Congratulations to Jakob Schwarz and Livia Gruber for successfully defending their Master Theses:
- Jakob Schwarz: Manipulating the mechanosensory apparatus of melanoma cells: an integrated morphoometric and proteomic approach
- Livia Gruber: Shock absorbing capacity of the endoplasmic reticulum
- December 2022 We are happy to announce an information evening of the AGES ("Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit") that will take place on January 11 in the lecture hall 1. If you are looking for some job experience or a future career in this area, you are very welcome to attend. It´s free of charge, and you´ll learn about possible internships, supervisions of master theses and future career options at the AGES.
Interested? For more information and to register for this event, please click here.
AGES stands for the protection of human, animal, plant and soil health and food security.
What you can expect:
- Presentation of the diverse fields of activity
- Information booth of our business areas Food Safety and Data - Statistics - Risk Assessment
- Information booth of our human resources department for your career planning
- Culinary accompaniment
When: January 11, 2023, 17:00 - 20:00 h
Where: Carl Auer von Welsbach Lecture Hall / HS1, Halbstock, Boltzmanngasse 1
- November 2022 Welcome to our two new Master Students Verena Heck and Lena Burger. Verena is supervised by Natalia and Lena by Francesco. Also we have another guest from the TU in Kaiserslautern, Germany. Jarina Ahmed also is a Master Student and doing a internship with Natalia.
- October 2022 Congrats to Cornelia Schmutz for the best short oral presentation at the 15th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications 2022. Check out the abstract here!
- October 2022 Welcome to two new PostDocs at our Department: Martina Karasova in the working group of Giorgia Del Favero and Jesse Peach and Max Feuerstein in the working group of Benedikt Warth.
- September 2022 - Congratulations to our Master Student Janice Bergen, who successfully defended her Master Thesis on Sept. 29.She´s going to continue with her PhD in the working group of Giorgia Del Favero.
- September 2022 ASTOX Symposium - Congratulations to our first year DoSChem PhD-student Magdalena Pöchhacker who won the first poster prize for her poster entitled "Discovery, mode of action & biosynthesis of marine biotoxins" and to our PostDoc Dr. Francesco Crudo for the second poster prize for his poster "The Alternaria mycotoxin alternariol suppresses the DNA damage-induced phosphorylation of the histone H2AX".
- September 2022 Congratulations to Magdalena Pöchhacker for winning the first prize for her poster "Discovery, mode of action & biosynthesis of marine biotoxins" at the DoSChem symposium.
- September 2022 Welcome to our new PhD Students Eszter Borsos and Maximilian Jobst. They both already did their master thesis at our department and we are happy that they decided to stay with us for a few more years.
- August 2022 Exciting news: After fish have been dying in large numbers in the river Oder in Poland and Germany, there were several indications that the fish killings were caused by the microalgae "Prymnesium parvum". This is the microalgae Elisabeth Varga has been working on for 6 years now. She now could successfully identify toxins called "prymnesins" in the samples she received from Germany last week.
Check out the official press announcements in German:
And English:
- August 2022 Congratulations to Yasmin Fareed who performed her master thesis under the supervision of Benedikt Warth and successfully defended it on Aug. 02.
- July 2022 On Monday July 4, Mira Flasch successfully defended her PhD thesis with the topic "Expanding LC-MS based metabolomics for the investigation of the exposome". The work was performed in the last four years in the working group of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Benedikt Warth. Congrats from the group and all the best for your future endeavors!
- July 2022 Welcome to our new Senior Scientist Sonja Hager who is succeeding the position of Gudrun Pahlke!
- June 2022 Summer-Retreat from June 27 until June 29 - first retreat with almost everybody present after a long row of online retreats and June 28 spent in the Hotel Schlosspark in Mauerbach
- May 2022 On May 31st, the Exposome Austria Launch Event took place in the presence of high-ranking representatives of universities and research institutions, the Ministry of Science and Climate Change as well as colleagues and guests in the Small Ceremonial Hall of the University of Vienna.
For more information (in German) check out the faculty website:
Here you find the recording of the whole event:
- May 2022 On Friday May 20, Julia Groestlinger successfully defended her master thesis that she performed under the supervision of Giorgia Del Favero with the title "The many faces of food contaminants an in vitro study on combinatory effects of food constituents and contaminants
on toxicologically relevant outcomes". Congratulations and good luck for your future endeavers!
- April 2022 Free webinar "Issues of chemical food contaminations" of the Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI), on May 10 2022, Time: 12 noon CEST, duration: 1.5 hours, more infos and free registration here!
- March 2022 On May 31 the Exposome Austria national research infrastructure will be officially launched via an opening event at the University of Vienna. This is a public event and all interested stakeholders are most welcome! Please register early on:
- December 2021 Yesterday the University of Vienna was included in the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) Art.36 list of competent organisations designated by Member States. Check out here.
So we are now part of this network of over 300 universities, institutes, governmental, public and other scientific bodies that are active in EFSA´s mission. EFSA promotes ties between these organisations through coordination of joint activities, exchange of information, development and implementation of joint scientific projects. This networking further boosts the sharing of expertise and best practices in these scientific areas.
- November 2021 Congratulations to Eszter Borsos! She successfully defended her Master in Chemistry at the Universität Wien on Nov. 26, 2021. Her thesis was entitled "Metabolic kinetics of Alternaria toxins and potential interspecies differences" and was conducted at the Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology under the supervision of Prof. Marko, Dr. Varga and Dr. Aichinger. We wish you all the best for your future career!
- November 2021 Congratulations to Hélène-Christine Prause for the "International award" and to Mira Flasch for the "New Ideas award" of the DoSChem (Doctoral School of Chemistry). Look here for more information!
- November 2021 Check out our new info video about the master programme food chemistry:
- September 2021 - Sept. 30, 2021 - the last day of work of Gudrun Pahlke. After 25 years of collaboration with Doris Marko in Germany, in the USA and in Austria she is retiring and moving back to Germany, and we have to say good bye to a very kind and always reliable working colleague and friend. She will be missed, and we feel lucky that she will continue to support us teaching the practical course on food toxicology.
- September 2021 Congratulations to Nadine Hochmayr for successfully defending her master theses "Chemical analysis and toxicological evaluation of potential toxic microalgal compounds"!
- September 2021 Congratulations to Shara Sosa Cabrera for successfully defending her master thesis "Study of the impact of trans-5-O-Caffeoylquinic acid on Nrf2 signaling in non-tumorigenic and tumorigenic human colon cells"!
- September 2021 Longterm team-member Dominik Braun left us for good. He joined our working group in 2015 as a PhD, finished his PhD thesis "Innovative LC-MS/MS breast milk biomonioring: Assessing infant's and mother's exposure to mycotoxins" in 2020 and stayed another successful year as PostDoc in the team of Benedikt Warth. As he always has been a very dedicated and amiable colleague he will be missed a great deal. We wish him all the best for his new job and life in Upper Austria!!
- July 2021 On July 2 long term team member (Master & PhD...) Julia Beisl successfully defended her thesis on "Combinatory effects of the bacterial toxin cereulide and the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol on intestinal immune response and barrier function and hepatic autophagy in vitro". Congratulations from the whole group and all the best for the future!
- June 2021 Prof. Dr. Doris Marko will give a lecture on "Emerging mycotoxins in the food chain: Analytical challenges and food safety" When: Thursday, 17 June 2021 at 15:00 (CET). To participate in the webinar, please register at
- June 2021 Welcome to our new PostDoc and Rewire Fellow Natalia Castejón! Find out more about her work here!
- May 2021 Congratulations to Benedikt Warth and Annika Jagels for winning the prestigious Brigitte-Gedek-Science Award of the Society of Mycotoxin Research:
- April 2021 New publication by Giorgia del Favero investigating the response of T24 urinary bladder cancer cells to shear stress comparing morphology to functional performance. Just published in Frontiers in Pharmacology:
- April 2021 New article in Archives of Toxicology by Giorgia Del Favero and Lukas Janker exploring the dermotoxicology of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol. Great UNIVIE-internal collaboration with the working group of Prof. Gerner. Check out the whole article here (Open Access):
- March 2021 Today Lisa Meidl successfully defended her master thesis entitled "Systematische Versuche zur Herstellung von Citronensäure-behandelten Stärken". It was performed at the AGRANA Research and Innovation Center GmbH under the supervision of DI Dr. Theresa Schwarz and Univ. Prof. Dr. Doris Marko.Congratulations!
- March 2021 Congratulations to Dr. Giorgia Del Favero for achieving her habilitation today! It is well-deserved through years of dedication and hard work!
- March 2021 The next graduate of the master programme in Food Chemistry: Isabella Taucher. She performed her master thesis at the FH Campus Wien under the supervision of Manfred Tacker. Her thesis was entitled "Determination of Genotoxicity of Plastic Polymer Recyclates by the Ames-MPF Assay". Congratulations!
- March 2021 Welcome to our new PostDoc Francesco Crudo, who joined the team of Prof. Marko on March 22!
- March 2021 There´s a new article of Prof. Marko at the uni:view magazine of the University of Vienna. She tells about her research on the positive influence of red colour pigments in natural products on cancer therapy. Check out here: Anthocyanins: Cancer therapy sees red. (available only in German)
- March 2021 On Tuesday, March 16, the wordwide first journal in the field of exposomics was launched by Oxford University Press. Among the eight Associate Editors is also Benedikt Warth of the Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology. For more information click here.
- March 2021 For all our new graduates: Here´s an open position at "AKRAS Flavours" for someone who enjoys working in analytics.
- March 2021 Very warm welcome also to our new PhD Hélène-Christine Prause who is joining the working group of Elisabeth Varga.
- March 2021 After many months of searching we finally found a second CTA. Very warm welcome to Daniel Piller! We are looking forward to working together with you!
- February 2021 Congratulations to Tatjana Hasil for graduating from the Food Chemistry Master´s Programme. She successfully defended her thesis entitled "Optimization of the pre-incubation Ames test and its application for recycled food contact material extracts" supervised by Univ.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Manfred Tacker from the FH Campus Wien.
- December 2020 Congratulations to the next graduate of the Food Chemistry master programme: Sadia Achmad successfully defended her master thesis entitled "Study on plant metabolites of prenylated flavanoids in fruits". She performed it at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) under the supervision of Michael Rychlik, Lance Buckett and Benedikt Warth.
- December 2020 Congratulations to Benedikt Warth for receiving the "Feigl Preis" of the Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry (ASAC)!
- December 2020 Check out Manuel Pristner´s review on "Drug-Exposome Interactions" in Trends in Pharmacological Sciences: Drug-Exposome Interactions: The Next Frontier in Precision Medicine
Here you find the press report about the results of the research.
- December 2021 After three months without a technician we finally found a new CTA for our team. Very warm welcome to Sonja Tischler! We are looking forward to working together with you!
- November 2020 Congrats to Dominik Braun for winning the ASAC JunganalytikerInnen-Preis 2020 together with Sebastian Guntner from the JKU. The award was sponsered by "FTC-Forensisch-Toxikologisches Labor BgmbH", Vienna. The award ceremony took place online.
- November 2020 The next graduate of the master programme "Food Chemistry": Congratulations to Sandra Egger for her successful master defensio! She performed her master thesis under the supervision of Ass. Prof. Dr. Marc Pignitter of the Department of Physiological Chemistry in cooperation with Senna. In her thesis she investigated the influence of margarine components on its oxidative stability.
- November 2020 Happy to announce, that Natalia Castejón receives a 3-year Postdoc fellowship from the REinforcing Women In Research (REWIRE) COFUND Programme, a Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions COFUND project funded by the European Commission. Natalia will join the research group led by Prof. Dr. Doris Marko in the Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology at University of Vienna.
BioactALGAE project will explore novel cascading approaches based on the principles of Green Chemistry to valorize microalgal biomass by providing potential biological activities. The originality of the project relies on the use of multi-step extraction methods for green designs as innovative strategies for the valorization of microalgae. The complete optimization process of microalgal biomass allows to produce numerous functional bioproducts without any wastes from an original raw material. BioactALGAE will provide scientific knowledge for the development of new products in the near future which are particularly relevant for food industry and address commercial opportunities for application in functional products.
- November 2020 Congratulations to Thomas Jamnik for successfully defending his master theses!
- October 2020 Very glad being involved in this great METLIN initiative published in Nature Methods ... now facilitating exposomics research with many toxicants, contaminants, drugs, and xenobiotics (i.e. the #exposome)
- October 2020 Very warm welcome to our new PhD Student Dino Grgic who is joining the working group of Elisabeth Varga!
- September 2020 Very warm welcome to our new Erasmus Exchange MSc Student Yasmin Borutzki!
- September 2020 Welcome back, Dominik Braun, now in a PostDoc-position in the working group of Benedikt Warth!
- September 2020 Very warm welcome to our new PhD Student Magdalena Krausova who is joing the working group of Benedikt Warth!
- Aug. 2020 Congratulations to Gloria Bliem and Dino Grgic for successfully defending their Master Theses!
- July 2020 The first first-author paper of Julia Hohenbichler is out! "Alternaria alternata toxins synergistically activate the aryl hydrocarbon receptor pathway in vitro" was recently published in Biomolecules. Congratulations!!
- June 2020 Congrats to Dominik Braun for successfully defending his PhD-thesis "Innovative LC-MS/MS breast milk biomonioring: Assessing infant's and mother's exposure to mycotoxin." The thesis was supervised by Prof. Marko and Prof. Warth.
- June 2020 Congratulations to Patrick Windisch for successfully defending his master thesis. He was supervised by Benedikt Warth and Dominik Braun.
- June 2020 In the newest article the impact of three different anthocyanin-rich beverages on Nrf2-dependent gene transcription as well as on the status of DNA-damage in whole blood was investigated:
- June 2020 New paper of Dominik Braun et al. on dynamic changes of mycotoxins during breastfeeding from birth onward, published with Open Access in Environment International:
- May 2020 Congratulations to Stephanie Grabher for successfully defending her master thesis "Characterisation of Anthocyanidines Delphinidine-3-rutinoside and Cyanidine-3-rutinoside"!
- May 2020 New review about "Integrating Biophysics in Toxicology" by Giorgia Del Favero and Annette Kraegeloh! Congratulations!
- April 2020 New publication: Do Alternaria toxins act as casein kinase 2 inhibitors? Great collaboration between Universität Wien and Università di Parma using both an in silico and an in vitro approach:
- March 2020 Congratulations to Mira Flasch to her first first-author article: Stable isotope-assisted metabolomics for deciphering xenobiotic metabolism in mammalian cell culture
- March 2020 "Universität Wien wirkt. Seit 1365" video clip about the University of Vienna with a contribution of Univ.Prof. Dr. Doris Marko (in german):
- March 2020 Congratulations! Anja Wittig successfully defended her doctoral thesis in the group of Prof. Marko. The title was "Impact of selected silica particles on cellular proliferation mechanisms comprising potential interactions with quercetin on human gastrointestinal cancer cells".
- March 2020 Very warm welcome to our new PhD Student Ian Oesterle who is joing the working group of Benedikt Warth!
- January 2020 Very warm welcome to our new PhD Student Manuel Pristner who is joining the working group of Benedikt Warth!
- November 2019 More graduates: Proud to present the second and third graduates of the Master Programme Food Chemistry: Matthias Riepl performed his master thesis under the supervision of Elisabeth Varga and Vincent Lüttig under the supervision of Benedikt Warth.
- November 2019 New Core Facility Multimodal Imaging: Since July the Faculty of Chemistry has a new core facility, the Core Facility for Multimodal Imaging. Head of the Core Facility is Giorgia Del Favero, Senior Scientist at the Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology. The new core facility will support multidisciplinary research at the faculty with microscopic techniques and modern image analysis.
On the website of the Faculty of Chemistry you can find more information (in German).
The website of the new core facility will go online soon.
- November 2019: Plenary lecture of Assoc. Prof. Benedikt Warth and vivid discussion with Prof. Doris Marko at the 6. event "Umwelt in Gespräch" on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019. "Umwelt in Gespräch" is a series of public discussions organised by the Environmental Sciences Research Network of the University of Vienna in cooperation with the Natural History Museum Vienna.
You can also find a review at the Online Standard and the lecture of Prof. Warth on youtube.
Skokanitsch Fotografie
Skokanitsch Fotografie
- October 2019 Media attention in Upper Austria: Prof. Marko was invited to talk at the "Ernährungsforum Eferding" in Upper Austria. Her advice about the relevance of fruits and vegetables for our health were published in the "OÖ Nachrichten".
Eventvideo of FH-Wels about the "Ernährungsforum Eferding" (in German) with Prof. Doris Marko at 02:00.
- October 2019 New paper, new insights: Placenta transit of an environmental estrogen
Press release:
Researchers show path of zearalenone through the womb using new technology
Transfer and Metabolism of the Xenoestrogen Zearalenone in Human Perfused Placenta
Focus Online:
Erhöhtes Krebsrisiko: Warum Babys schon im Mutterleib unter Umwelthormonen leiden
- September 2019 First Graduate of the Master Food Chemistry: We congratulate our first graduate of the Master Food Chemistry Raphael Steinschaden to his successfull defensio after only 4 semesters and wish him all the best for his future.
Hanna Möller, staff member of the corporate communications team of the University of Vienna, made an interview with Raphael Steinschaden and Prof. Marko for the magazine uni:view.
- August 2019 Graduation: We congratulate our former PhD student Hannes Puntscher to his successfull defensio and graduation and wish him all the best for his future.
- July 2019 Graduation: We congratulate our former PhD student Lydia Woelflingseder to her successfull defensio and graduation and wish her all the best for her future.
- February 2019 Best Poster Award: Congratulations to Dominik Braun who won the "Best Poster Award" at the MassSpec-Forum 2019 in Vienna, Austria
- January 2019 Toxins Travel Award: Congratulations to Dr. Elisabeth Varga, who won this year´s Toxins Travel Award for PostDocs! She will use the price money to attend the Gordon Research Conference "Mycotoxins and Phytotoxins".
- November 2018 Graduation: We congratulate our former PhD student Katharina Jarolim to her successfull defensio and graduation and wish her all the best for her future.
- November 2018 New Team Member: We welcome our new PostDoc Elisabeth Varga, who is spending her one-year return period of the Erwin-Schrödinger post-doctoral fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) at the Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology
- September 2018 The Master Food Chemistry is starting its 3rd semester with an improved version of the Curriculum.
- June 2018 Best Poster Award: Congratulations to Georg Aichinger and Julia Beisl who won the "Best Poster Award" at the 40th Mycotoxin Workshop in Munich!
- May 2018 Best Presentation Award: Congratulations to our Master Student Karin Preindl who won the "Best Presentation Award" at the JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2018! Great appreciation of three months of hard work.
- May 2018 New Team Members: We welcome our two new PhD Students Mira Flasch and Julia Hohenbichler!
- March 2018 Cover Story: We congratulate Ass.Prof. Dr. Benedikt Warth that his work on xenoestrogens was selected as cover story in the Cell Chemical Biology March 2018 issue: Cell Chemical Biology
Media Platform of the University of Vienna
APA Report
Free access to the full article for 50 days
- Februar 2018 Global Exposomics & Biomonitoring: The new website of our team member Ass.Prof. Dr. Benedikt Warth and his working group is online. Please visit:
- September 2017 Anton Paar Award: We congratulate Ass.Prof. Dr. Benedikt Warth for receiving the "Anton Paar Award" of the GOECH "Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker", Austria´s largest chemical society for his publication "Identification of a novel human deoxynivalenol metabolie enhancing proliferation of intestinal and urinalry bladder cells"
- August 2017 Radio broadcast: "Die Dosis macht das Gift": The Ö1-series "Radiokolleg" will broadcast "Die Dosis macht das Gift" starting from Monday, August 28th until Thursday, Aug. 31st daily at 9:30 am. Univ.Prof. Dr. Doris Marko was one of the interviewpartners who provided their knowledge and experiences for this program. You can also listen to it online for 7 days after the broadcasting:
- June 2017 New paper available: "Uncommon toxic microbial metabolite patterns in traditionally home-processed maize dish (fufu) consumed in rural Cameroon" Download
- June 20th and 21st 2017 World Congress of Polyphenols Applications: The 11th World Congress of Polyphenols Applications is taking place at the University of Vienna this year. Univ.Prof. Dr. Doris Marko is serving as local organizer. If you would like to attend, please find more information and register here: and find a list of the speakers and talks here: Download.
- April 28th 2017 Master Food Chemistry: We are happy to announce, that the new master programm "Food Chemistry" is accepted and will start in the upcoming wintersemester 2017/18! You can find the curriculum on the website of the faculty of Chemistry: